

Contrasting two forms of psychotherapy

Assessment type;

Essay : Contrasting two forms of psychotherapy

Word limit/length; 2000 words



Arguably all effective therapies share common factors which contribute to positive outcomes, but to date no single specific factor has been found to be causally related to recovery processes in psychotherapy (Chippers et al., 2019). This assignment urges you to consider factors common to all or at least related therapies, and therapy specific factors that might account for positive outcomes.

Chippers, P., Reindeers, M., & Huber’s, M. J. H. (2019). The Role of Common Factors in Psychotherapy Outcomes.

Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 15(1), 207-231. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-050718-095424

Learning Outcomes

  • demonstrate a critical understanding of how common or nonspecific factors such as therapeutic rapport and alliance contribute to positive outcomes in mental health practice
  • critically describe the underpinning assumptions, theory and practice of mindfulness and cognitive behavior therapy.
  • compare and contrast common therapeutic models, approaches and schools of psychotherapy

The Task

Consider a broad problem area which is treated with psychotherapy and consider two schools of psychotherapy / approaches to treat that problem (CBT, DBT, Schema Therapy, or ACT).

In a brief essay address the following:

  • How each therapy formulates or explain the problem and how it accounts for the change process.
  • Describe the specific techniques and processes employed in each approach. · Describe what the two approaches may have in common to address the problem.
  • Consider what is unique to each approach, what is distinctive and consider whether it matters.

If choosing a different problem or combination than the following please be sure to first discuss this with your learning facilitator:. CBT and DBT for Borderline Personality Disorder; or Schema Therapy or CBT and ACT for Major Depression.


Assignment Rubric

  • Criteria

Problem Formulation

Mark (30%)

An exemplary, well referenced and sophisticated account of how each form of therapy may conceptualize the problem and what the mechanisms of change are theorized or demonstrated to be.

  • Criteria

Description of techniques and interventions

Mark (30%)

A thorough and detailed description of interventions, techniques, processes and program elements specific and necessary to treat the problem in each therapy and demonstrating a clear understanding of the key principles and processes of both therapies.

  • Criteria

Comparison of techniques and interventions

Mark (30%)

Provides an exemplary and critical account of the non-specific factor which might contribute to addressing the problem and a comprehensive comparison of the similarities and differences in the process of therapy.

  • Criteria

Writing and APA

Mark (10%)

Report contains excellent academic writing style.

It is very well organized and consistent.

Contains very limited spelling and grammatical errors;

APA style is employed consistently.

There are no errors or omissions of any kind in either the in-text citations or the reference list. Referencing is perfect.