
Each of your answers should be written using your own words. Do not copy and paste from your textbook or an Internet source. Ensure you cite your work and add reference(s) at the end of your journal. These should be the sources you are citing in your work. 

Ted Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/verna_myers_how_to_overcome_our_biases_walk_boldly_toward_them?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare

  1. Workforces in many nations are changing due to changes in birth and mortality rates, immigration, age distributions, external pressures, and competition. Question: What is the significance of diversity issues on the nation’s growth, and how do they affect the workforce of a nation? In the U.S., how have these changes altered the national workforce? Has the focus on diversity improved or injured the national culture? Is diversity, as a construct in itself, always positive? What other factor (s) may be necessary to make diversity successful?
  2. Diversity in organizations is an aspect of societal changes and is increased or impeded by individual, organizational, and societal factors. Question: How can organizations manage diversity on a long-term basis?
  3. In this week’s Ted Talk, what actions does the speaker describe that will decrease stereotypes?
  4. What key takeaways, from this course (Managing Diversity), will you apply in the workplace?

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