Assignment 2-1: Describe why you might use more than one framework, theory, or model in a Quality Improvement (QI) project.
Discuss briefly the purposes of the different types of frameworks, theories, or models.
Discuss how the frameworks, theories, or models can enhance or weaken a QI project if inappropriate ones are selected for use.
Discuss how frameworks, theories, or models can be utilized in other examples of healthcare practice, policy, and research.
Add diagrams and models as applicable.
Specifics: Scholarly writing, APA 7th Edition, and limit to four pages (excluding references and title page).
Assignment 1: Utilizing several frameworks, theories, and models
Assignment 1: Utilizing several frameworks, theories, and models
Criteria Ratings Pts
Discuss briefly the purposes of the different types of frameworks, theories, or models.
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30 pts
Excellent (up to 30 points)
Exceptionally clear, logical, and thorough completion.
24 pts
Good (0 to 24 points)
Clear and logical completion.
18 pts
Unsatisfactory (0 to 18 points)
No or minimal completion.
/ 30 pts
Discuss how the frameworks, theories, or models can enhance or weaken an improvement project if inappropriate ones are selected for use.
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30 pts
Excellent (0 to 30 points)
Exceptionally clear, logical, and thorough descriiption.
24 pts
Good (0 to 24 points)
Clear and logical descriiption.
18 pts
Unsatisfactory (0 to 18 points)
No or minimal descriiption.
/ 30 pts
Discuss how frameworks, theories, or models can be utilized in other examples of healthcare practice, policy and research.
view longer descriiption
30 pts
Excellent (0 to 30 points)
Exceptionally clear, logical, and discussion.
24 pts
Good (0 to 24 points)
Clear and logical discussion.
18 pts
Unsatisfactory (0 to 18 points)
No or minimal discussion.
/ 30 pts
Grammar/ Spelling APA, Scholarly writing
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10 pts
Excellent (0 to 10 points)
Exceptionally clear, logical, and thorough development. Full control of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.
8 pts
Good (0 to 8 points)
May contain few spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.
6 pts
Unsatisfactory (0 to 6 points)
Contains several spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors that detract from the assignment’s readability.
/ 10 pts