Out of the 29 Healthy People 2010 objectives, a majority of those listed did not collect information specific to one’s sexual orientation and a companion document was later released to address the health needs of the LGBTQ community (http://www.glma.org/_data/n_0001/resources/live/HealthyCompanionDoc3.pdf). The Healthy People 2020 national plan now includes a section specific to LGBT health, however, only two objectives are listed for this section (http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/overview.aspx?topicId=25). For this discussion board assignment, you will need to develop at least two additional national, logical objectives to be included as it relates to LGBT health. The objectives should be based in the principles addressed in the Fenway Training modules listed as a part of this week’s reading; therefore, the objectives should address at least two of the following areas: (1) better care for LGBT populations; (2) risk reduction counseling; (3) health promotion and disease prevention; (4) the health of LGBTQ youth; (5) promoting the health of LGBTQ families; (6) older LGBT adult health and (7) health issues faced by transgender individuals. Be sure to provide evidence to support the development of your objectives.