You will have to write an informative research paper about a current advancement or issue in your field. This may be a new form of technology, device,cure, medication, software, practice, among others. For example, if you are in thefield of education, you may wish to do a research paper on adaptive technologieslike MATHia or ALEKS, which are online learning tools students can use to getpersonalized tutoring and lessons in Math based on their growth indicators.The paper must be 3-4 pages or 750-1000 words. It must be in MLAformat, 12pt- font, doubled space. You MUST include a works cited page withat least 6 scholarly sources. You should cite sources at least three times in eachsupporting paragraph. Make sure your sources are from the online librarydatabases. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA as a source. Visit forassistance with citing your sources in your paper. You MUST have a session(virtual or on-ground) with the Writing Studio Staff before submitting yourfinal draft for a grade.