Discussion 4(2)


In 1998, Buckman Labs was recognized for its leadership in building knowledge communities. In 2000, Bob Buckman was named as one of the 10 Most Admired Knowledge Leaders for world-class knowledge leadership. Buckman Labs has received the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Award eight times, and Bob’s book Building a Knowledge Driven Organization (2004) is regarded as one of the seminal books on knowledge management. 

Search the Internet (search “Fast Company Buckman knowledge management”) to learn how Buckman created a culture of knowledge sharing. Answer the following questions:

  • Why did Buckman develop a KM system? 
  • How did Buckman motivate employees to share their knowledge?  
  • Do you think you would thrive in such an environment or be hindered by it?  Explain your answer.

Share your answers to these prompts in your initial post. Then scan your classmates’ threads and reply to at least TWO classmates whose answers interest you most. In your reply, comment on what you like about his/her sharing. Further the discussion in a direction you deem appropriate.