
Describe a time recently where you were persuaded to do something or buy something by a message. Comment on the type of message and what made it effective.
here is an example:-
– Recently, Emma Chamberlain, a famous youtuber, came out with a line at one of my favorite stores, Pacsun. I was watching one of her youtube videos and it was interrupted by her own ad at Pacsun. Personally, I think this is a very effective ad because if I am watching an Emma Chamberlain youtube video then chances are I am a fan of her. Therefore, the timing and placement of the ad is what made it the most effective.

As a result, you need to make sure that the writer is qualified and that he’s got a track record in writing the short term and long term


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all of the important aspects of your topic.

talk with your teacher.

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written so the author can present his/her point in the most clear, concise, and efficient method.


as this will enable you to maintain the dimensions of this paper small.


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people might be concerned about having the ability to browse the samples or obtaining enough practice to write their own essay.
