One of the ways as a manager to contribute is by effective strategic planning as a healthcare manager. Managers can contribute to help with delivering a high-quality of care within their organization. It involves outlining steps that must be undertaken to reach specific goals (Borkowski 2015). A manager develops strategies based on strategic objectives. They are responsible for directing those at the corporate level by having individual projects that help the company reach its strategic goals. They healthcare manager can contribute by having strategies to effectively manage an entire facility. The manager needs to identify opportunites for improvement (Buchbinder 2017) states ” health care managers at all levels have the responsibilty to continually monitor their environment-both internal and external- and assess and act upon the possible implications of any trends or events that are of note”. (pg. 121)
Strategic planning is a dynamic process as opposed to a linear process because there ” should optimally be no distinct beginning or end”( pg. 114). The manager has to look as past performance as part of the future strategy development. It also allows managers to make quick decisions when challenges suddenly arise. A SWOT analysis will analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats from the side of the stakeholders, such as investors, contractors, and the target consumers (Borkowski 2015). SWOT analysis is best used in the healthcare planning process to identify those opportunities for areas of improvement within the organization. The differences between strategic planning in a healthcare organization versus any other type of organization is that the healthcare organization must link the quality of care initiatives to the strategic planning process. The strategic planning process ought to enhance the achievement of strategic initiatives for the organization. When the manager is focused on the quality of healthcare and the initiatives within the company the manager can better prepare for the unknown and will help the entire healthcare system to succeed.
Borkowski, N. (2015) Organizational behavior, theory and design in healthcare. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.