
Discussion: 1-2 Paragraphs W/ references

 In organizational change, there is a debate in the literature about the benefits of proactive versus reactive change efforts. Your instructor will assign you one side of the debate, either proactive change or reactive change. While both positions in each argument are important, your task is to state why you believe your side is more important than the other position and support the argument with at least three references from peer-reviewed literature using APA formatting. Your argument should contain a conclusion and the reasons to accept the conclusion.

Journal: Article attached

 Given what you read in the required article this week and what you learned from the positions presented by your colleagues in the discussion topic, complete a journal assignment that answers the following questions: (a) For organizational change to be successful, what role should a leader take in vision development? (b) How would you weave proactive and reactive elements into the planning and implementation of an organizational change effort? 1-2 page word document.