disscusion questions marketing


Week 4.1 Discussion

Pick a favorite product (it must be a thing, like a flux capacitor, not a food item). Next, discuss the enhanced product, the core product, and the essential benefit of the product. Explain each factor in detail.


Week 4.2 Discussion

Using this same favorite product as from discussion 4.1, differentiate the product from that of a competing product. Address the features, performance quality, conformance quality, durability, reliability, and repairability of your favorite product from that of a competing product. Explain the basis of your findings


Week 4.3 Discussion

Discuss the elements of the marketing mix for your fave product (discussion 4.1). Be sure to externally research the marketing mix and include the fifth P; explain why the fifth P is essential in today’s marketing mix..


Week 4.4 Discussion

Discuss the product life cycle of the product you identified in discussion 4.1. Now, think of the industry behind your product; do industries have similar life cycles? Discuss the industry life cycle of your product.