Diversity And Ethical Considerations

Discussion: Social Change Portfolio: Part 4: Diversity and Ethical Considerations

As you consider your community problem, is there a segment of the community that may be impacted more than others? Are there issues related to the diversity of this group, and does this raise ethical considerations?

For this Discussion, you will explore the challenges related to evidence-based and culturally relevant prevention as it applies to diverse populations within your targeted community problem. You also will uncover any ethical considerations you might need to further examine as it relates to the practice of prevention for your targeted problem (Individuals living with mental health and incarcerated)

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider Diversity and Ethical Considerations as they relate to the diverse population in your targeted community problem  (Individuals living with mental health and incarcerated).
  • Create a section in your Social Change Portfolio called “Part 4: “Diversity and Ethical Considerations”
  • Conduct a literature review and/or a review of local public health data to identify a specific population (such as LGBT, ethnic minority, etc.) that is affected by the target problem in your community. Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed sources. For example, if your target problem is teenage substance abuse then your broad population is teens. Then, include the following:
    • Identify a particular subgroup within that population (e.g., males, a specific ethnic minority group, etc.) that is impacted by this problem in a different way or at increased rates.
    • Describe the unique impact or different rates of the problem among this group.
  • Based on your research, briefly describe 2 to 3 mechanisms to increase the cultural relevance of a prevention program with the identified population. Discuss how these mechanisms are developmentally appropriate for your population.
  • Briefly describe some of the core ethical considerations in prevention programming for this target problem (Individuals living with mental health and incarcerated) in your community including stakeholder collaboration, informed consent, and confidentiality.
  • You MUST cite the Code of Ethics relevant to your professional identity, or use the ACA or ASCA Code of Ethics linked in the learning resources.

Post a link to your updated Social Change Project portfolio and include your completed Part 4: Diversity and Ethical Considerations.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and identify current relevant literature to support your work.

My targeted problem is Individuals living with mental health and incarcerated