Topic: Biochemistry topics

Part 1: Original post is due by Friday, Week 1 (11:59 pm PST)

You are exploring the exciting and dynamic scientific  discipline biochemistry.  Let’s start with a discussion on  biochemistry-related topics.
Why are you interested in biochemistry?
Which topics connected to biochemistry are of particular interest to you?
Pick  a scientific article of your interest, e.g., from PubMed  (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) or similar resources and start a discussion  with your class mates.
Make that you name your selected article in a reference section at the bottom of your initial posting.

In this discussion board (DB), please post a thread and share:

  1. From a recent news, video, or media, select a biochemistry-related topic that interested you.
    Write the topic as your header for the your original post.
  2. Answer the following questions in your original discussion thread:  (1) Your impression about the information from the news article/video/or  media? (2) What questions in your topic/concern still need to be  explored? (3) How did the information use the scientific method?
  3. Include a credible resource to have your classmates explore this  topic.  APA format, see the following link if you are not sure how to  complete APA reference: http://nu.libguides.com/citations/APA.

For example, here is an article to start with: Bio chem of Kombucha