Due 4/19/2021 @11:30 PM 7-8 Pages APA format *Please Follow Instructions*

Using your construct of interest from Week 1 (INCLUDED IN THE ATTACHMENTS) and building upon the instruments and information you found in Step One (Week 1), develop a 7-8 page literature review (not including the title page, abstract, and references page)on your construct of interest and the five to seven instruments used to assess it. 

Thus, the literature review should explain your construct of interest thoroughly, as well as provide thorough reviews of the five to seven instruments used to measure it. This is slightly different from other literature reviews, whereby the idea is to review and critique the study and findings. For this literature review you are not reviewing the study but rather are reviewing and critiquing the instrument based on what studies and other researchers have found. The idea here is to review the instrument and its usefulness in measuring your construct. 

Thus, what does the instrument measure, how reliable and valid is it, and what are its strengths and weaknesses?  

What is lacking in the instrument which paves the way for the necessity of your newly developed instrument?

 How are these instruments different from what you will develop?

Use the Forbush, Wildes, Pollack, Dunbar, Patterson and  Watson (2013) Development and validation of the Eating Pathology Symptoms Inventory (EPSI) and the O’Neill, and Sevastos (2013) The development and validation of a new multidimensional Job Insecurity Measure (JIM): An inductive methodology articles for examples of how to conduct literature reviews of current or previous instruments/tests.

Use five to seven scholarly resources, including mostly research studies and articles related to your construct and the instruments used to measure it. Information should be drawn from appropriate sources, such as professional journals, test publisher websites, and dissertations. Information gathered from sources must be appropriately cited, following APA guidelines.

Please be sure to include the following in your literature review:

  • A discussion of your construct of interest.
  • A thorough discussion of each instrument you review for your construct, including the name of the test, what the test is used for, whether the test is appropriate for this area, what the reliability and validity of the test is, and what reviewers say about the strengths and weaknesses of it with regard to assessing this construct
  • What, in general, appears to be adequately assessed on each test with respect to the construct that you selected?
  • What does not appear to be adequately assessed?

Your literature review should justify your development of an assessmentis there a hole in what is currently being assessed that you can fill with your test? Make a case for why your proposed test would address an area that is not already well assessed.