For this assignment, you will verify that you are able to sign in to the EC-Council VM, and make sure it works before the assignments are due. We would like you to have no errors or problems completing the labs, so completing this assignment is crucial to your success.
How to do this? Follow the directions near the bottom of the Accessing EC-Council Virtual Lab page.
- For this assignment, you need to do two things:
- Go to RedShelf and purchase your materials.
- Register your iLabs code. To redeem your code, follow the directions found in the iLabs Access Code Redemption Instructions
Actions document or through RedShelf. Note: You will be using iLabs in several courses so be certain to keep track of your account information.
- For this assignment, please take screenshots of the steps you used to login to the VM and access iLabs. (If you need tips for taking screenshots, read this article from PC Magazine: “How to Take a Screenshot on Any Device (Links to an external site.)“)
- Compile the screenshots into a Word document and submit your document to this assignment.
Note: You will not be able to access your Week 1 content until you have completed this assignment.