Education Assignments

The expected length of this assignment is 1/2-1 pages, double-spaced.


Chapter 2

Bringing the Science of Learning to the Classroom

  1. Review the quotes from Christensen, Horn and Johnson noted on page 19: “every student learns in a

different way” “a key step toward making school intrinsically motivating is to customize an education to

match the way each child learns best” In your experience, does every student really learn in a different

way? How practical is it to customize the education of every student?




Discussion Posting 3—Learning Disabilities


Define learning disabilities and what it means if a student has a learning disability.  Discuss some of the models/strategies and instructional content utilized for students with learning disabilities.  Include integration strategies in regards to the instructional environment and the use of technology. Be sure to discuss the benefits and limitations to the approaches mentioned.


Chapter 4

Describe the strategies and techniques you have used to encourage students to share their insights into
how they learn best. How do you use this information to inform your instruction?



Posting 5—Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

  • Discuss the characteristics and causes of emotional and behavioral disorders.  How might understanding the characteristics and/or causes of a student’s disability help a teacher integrate them into the classroom?   What are some of the models used for teaching these students and integrating them into the class? Please include other considerations such as the environment and use of technology. Be sure to discuss the benefits and limitations to the approaches mentioned.