Eight types of moral theory


Write a short reflection statement (350-500 words) after reading Chapter 1. Use complete sentences and correct academic writing to complete this assignment.

Respond in writing to these items:

  1. Carefully examine the eight essential moral theories discussed in Chapter 1 Eight types of moral theory are consequentialism, natural law theory, Kantian moral theory, rights-based moral theory, the ethics of prima facie duty, social contract theory, virtue ethics, and care ethics.  and then pick the theory you think best aligns with your own moral compass. 
  2. Describe your chosen moral theory in some detail. Explain why you think your theory is a better source of moral guidance than some of the competing theories discussed in the chapter.  
  3. Think of an experience in your life in which you applied your chosen theory. Was the outcome the one you expected?
  4. Lastly, have your thoughts changed since reading the first chapter? If so, how?