
 In the module readings, you learned about active reading and were introduced to several active reading techniques to utilize for your benefit. Now give some thought to your own reading, and specifically all that you may do while completing it to enhance your understanding of the text. In a brief writing of 350-450 words.

Name at least one of your favorite active reading techniques ( Detailed ), other than the ones listed in the readings, and explain what the technique entails, what its benefits are for you, and why you would or would not recommend it to other readers.

 Keep in mind that if you use someone else’s words, definitions, ideas, whether via quoting, or paraphrasing, or summarizing, you are required to cite them and follow the MLA format in doing so to prevent plagiarism. This means that some of your writing in the document will include in-text citations and that your list of sources will be included within a Works Cited at the end of your writing.