english composition


Watch the following video.


In this motivational speech, Admiral McRaven gives us ten advices through ten different anecdotes. Write a paragraph of 200 words or more and no less than 10 sentences where you answer the following questions.

  1. What is your favorite anecdote/advice?
  2. Why? (provide two reasons)
  3. How do you put into practice this advice in your personal life? (provide two)
  4. What is your advice to your classmates? (related to your favorite anecdote)

*Do not use informal language: contractions, informal (slang) words/expressions.

**Use transitional words: first, another, also, however, therefore, furthermore, etc.

***Discussion 4 is due next Sunday, August 14, at midnight.

****Late submissions will be graded with the following penalties:

1-2 days late: 10 points will be deducted

3 days late: 20 points will be deducted