History of Labor and Work in the United States, 1880-1945
Paper Assignment 2
TOPIC: The 1930s was a pivotal decade for workers and their unions in the United States. At the
height of the economy of the “Roaring Twenties,” the possibilities for unions and working-class
political activism seemed to be at an all-time low. However, during the Great Depression of the
1930s, unions and workers brought the labor movement to historic heights. What were some of
the major developments and events that created the possibilities for union growth and union
power in the 1930s? What were some of the achievements of the labor movement in the 1930s?
In what ways were union growth and union power still limited, notwithstanding the gains of the
1930s? In what ways were some of these gains shared unequally among workers?
NOTES: You are advised to focus strongly on the textbook for this assignment, although
you may include other assigned readings and documentaries from this course. There is some
overlap to the first and second questions. For the first sub question, you should focus more on the
causes of union growth and union power between 1930 and 1935. For the second sub question,
you should describe the achievements of the labor movement during the New Deal period that
were solidified between 1935 and 1939. Achievements might be identified in particular
industries or regions, or they might be national in nature. Put together, your answers to the first
and second sub questions should comprise a kind of timeline, or sequence of events, or narrative,
that describes both the causes and effects of union growth and union power.
In the third and fourth sub questions, you are being asked to pivot, and to speak to some of the
areas in which the achievements of the labor movement, by the end of the 1930s, were
incomplete. There is some overlap to the third and fourth questions. You are advised to focus, in
the third sub question, on how any limitations effected union growth and union power. In the
fourth sub question, you are advised to focus on how any limitations effected workers, or
particular groups of workers.
Finally, take care to clarify for yourself the use of the terms “labor movement,” “union growth,”
and “union power.” These terms are themselves interrelated, to be sure, but they each have a
slightly different meaning.
INSTRUCTIONS: Write a 6- to 7-page, double-spaced paper in 12-point Times New Roman (or
Times) font with 1-inch margins on each side that addresses the questions posed above. Be sure
to base your claims on the assigned readings, documents, and other materials assigned in this
course. Your paper should not mention every possible example from these materials, but
adequately analyze and discuss the examples you choose. Moreover, it is strongly recommended
that you focus your research efforts on the textbook, and only then use the other assigned
readings or materials as ancillary support. Your paper should follow standard grammar,
punctuation, and citation methods. You should use the author-date system of the Chicago
Manual of Style. See the citation guide on the course site. Also please note that this assignment
is not a 5-paragraph essay. Please use a paper structure and paragraph breaks as you might
ordinarily find them in standard reading material, such as books, newspapers, or magazines.
DUE DATES: Please check the syllabus for due dates. The first draft of your paper will be used
for an in-class peer review exercise. The second draft will be reviewed by the professor or your
writing instructor. The third draft will be graded. You must complete all drafts to receive full
credit for this assignment.