Enumeration Techniques Research Assignment

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Enumeration Analysis

As an experienced cybersecurity analyst in your company, your manager wants you to give an in-depth presentation to the CISO on the different types of enumeration techniques, tools and countermeasures available. Explain how attackers could use enumeration to exploit system security within your company.

Research and Write:

Taking all of the information that we have discussed in this module into account prepare a 4-6 page analysis for your CISO which will include a comprehensive action plan that goes into significant detail about what the threats are and how to mitigate them.

In completing your action plan, you will need to perform independent research beyond the course text materials in order to discuss and explain the elements of your evaluation.

Your plan should include the following pieces:

  • Cover page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Checklist or appendix if necessary

Due Sunday

A reminder about graduate-level learning:

Graduate-level student learning will involve more of a focus on “diving in deeper” to the content. Expanding on the initial topic includes both written and oral presentation on the field of study experience, in combination with independent research and course content, will be essential elements of your graduate studies.

To have an experience isn’t enough to establish learning – you need to intentionally and thoughtfully reflect upon the experience, considering what you learned from it in order to take something away from it!

View RubricResearch Assignment Rubric IIResearch Assignment Rubric IICriteriaRatingsPtsProfessional Assignment or Presentationview longer description2 ptsExcellent1 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 2 ptsStrong Introductionview longer description3 ptsExcellent2 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 3 ptsQuality of Responseview longer description10 ptsExcellent8 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 10 ptsResearch and Expansion of the Topicview longer description10 ptsExcellent8 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 10 ptsConclusions and Action Plansview longer description3 ptsExcellent2 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 3 ptsReferencesview longer description2 ptsExcellent1 ptsSatisfactory0 ptsNeeds Improvement/ 2 ptsTotal Points: 0