Explain Strategies For De-Escalation

Consider identifying six strategies for de-escalating  students. The strategies may be tools or techniques assisting in proactively heading off escalation or de-escalating a child who is dysregulated and/or disruptive. Consider the strategies and three-step process in the attached table below. You could also draw on techniques from the references attached or locate strategies from other sources. Consider the template to attached by way of explaining the strategy, how educators implement it, and how students utilize it. In the final column, consider critiquing the strategy by identifying potential challenges to its  effectiveness.

  • In the Strategy column, consider the tool or technique. Describe when it may be useful, and how it may help.
  • In the For Educators column, consider a narrative and/or steps for how to implement the strategy. Describe this as if you are teaching an educator how to implement this strategy.
  • In the For Students column, consider a narrative and/or steps in an age-appropriate manner (you may use pictures if this is helpful). Consider phrasing this as if you are preparing a notecard or guide sheet you could give to a student to remind them how to use the strategy.
  • In the Critique column, note anything educators may need to avoid when using this strategy. Identify any potential concerns with the strategy and possible adjustments.