Final Paper

Final Paper (all 3 pages important!) The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to apply core concepts that weve learned in this class to real, brand new, ethnographic data. For the paper, you must choose THREE themes/topics from the list below* and use both a) data from your interview, AND b) texts we used in class, to discuss EACH theme/topic. For each theme/topic you choose, you must 1) explain how it was used in a particular text or texts that we read in class, 2) discuss the role it played in shaping your participants life/experiences. Overall, you should be putting these concepts, as they were discussed by particular authors we read in this class, in conversation with what you learned about one particular persons life/ experiences. You can do this in several ways, such as: using these themes/topics as they were discussed in texts we read in class in order to shed light upon the role of this topic/theme in the life/ experience of your participant, using the experiences of your participant to elucidate, complicate, add to, or contradict they way that these themes/topics were discussed in texts we read in class comparing and contrasting the authors use of this theme/topic with what you found was the case in the life and experiences of your participant. Your paper must: Be structured in standard essay fashion, with an introduction, main body, and conclusion (unlike previous Writing Assignments in this class) Be between 1500-2000 words, including the Works Cited section. Be submitted in Word doc of PDF format Properly cite at least one author read in this class for each theme/topic Quote directly from your transcription (using appropriate line numbers and other formatting) at least once for each theme/topic. This assignment is due on Blackboard on Monday, May 10 at 11:59pm. (Draft deadline: Tuesday, May 4 at 11:59pm) 1 ANT 3523 – Medical Anthropology – Spring 2021 BECAUSE THIS IS YOUR FINAL, NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. THE ASSIGNMENT WILL BE TAKEN DOWN AT THE DEADLINE. This assignment is worth 15% of your final grade. *If, based on your interview, you want to write about a topic that is not on this list, you must submit the topic to Dr. Flaherty for approval. Monday, May 4 at 11:59pm is the deadline for submissions. Topics not on the list and not approved by Dr. Flaherty will be excluded from grade calculations (that part of the paper will not count and your paper will be incomplete). List of Themes/Topics You must choose 3! – Structural violence – Social suffering – Idioms of distress – Culture-bound syndrome – Symbolic Violence – Hegemony – Biomedicine as neutral/culture-free – Medical pluralism – Care as embodying sacrifice – Habitus – Care as embodying solidarity – The clinical gaze – Transnational caregiving – Agency – Kleinman and Hannas concept of care/ caregiving – Care deficit – Social axes of suffering – Explanatory Models – Kleinman and Hannas concept of anti-heroism – Moral economy – Illness vs. Disease – Global care chains – Stratified reproduction – Social reproduction – How structural inequalities shape patterns and/or experiences of caregiving – How cultural values shape patterns and/or experiences of caregiving – How kinship patterns shape patterns and/or experiences of caregiving – How transnational migration shapes patterns and/or experiences of caregiving – The body as a tool for doing ethnography – How structural inequalities shape patterns and/or experiences of transnational migration – The embodied effects of transnational migration – Migrants bodily experiences of work – Transnational migrants as falling at the bottom of social hierarchies – Conjugated oppression – Medical education as holding local meanings/values – The reproduction of social hierarchies – The continuum of violence 2 ANT 3523 – Medical Anthropology – Spring 2021 – The values shaping biomedicine in the Global North – Migrant health (the field/practice of migrant health) – Socialization into biomedicine in the Global North – Biomedicine as being shaped by local culture/values – The material/technological context as shaping biomedical practice – The reasons individuals attend medical school/become doctors – Experiences of medical school – Expectations of practicing medicine – How sociocultural context shapes medical education – Medical students changing experiences of their bodies in medical education – The hardening effects of medical education – Medical students changing identities through medical education – Changing relations to other bodies in medical education (the body as object) – Changing relations to biomedicine itself during medical education – The relationship between biomedical training and religious faith – How sociocultural contexts shape options after medical school – Moneys role in biomedical students trajectories – The gifts of biomedicine from the perspectives of medical students