Week 7: Assignment 7 General Instructions (MV-UG)

  1. See the Assignment 2 example for how to copy the bolded parts below as instructed. Please copy only and all the black bold single-spaced parts in Word Arial 12 type, and present answers double-spaced and with all print in plain/regular Word Arial 12 type.

Do not make a formal APA style cover sheet. Use only the three-line heading shown below at the top of your first page. Bold type your name by the indicated place below with only a single space between the heading and the body or Q & A section.

  1. Do not copy/place any italicized instructions for/on your submitted assignment.
  2. 3. Refer only to the assigned textbook and PPTs for this assignment, unless you are otherwise instructed to cite other designated sources, such as a supplement, an article or movie. All comment and application questions related to the assigned textbook or designated sources need multiple references in multiple places. Alluding to the text or just lifting an occasional quote will not do. Blend related text counsel with the response. Answers need to be plain and specific, and not vague and general. The instructor needs to see clear written evidence that the student has read, studied, understood, and properly applied text principles to personal and/or life examples.
  3. See the APA Course Documentation Guide in the supplement section for course required APA in-text documentation with page numbers from the textbook or other sources as instructed. This includes direct quotes, summarizing and/or restating or paraphrasing the author’s ideas in your own words. Also, include the APA style list of references. Personal accounts, opinions, or life examples do not require references.
  4. The minimum pages per question with subparts are listed below. Answers are graded on the quality of answers, depth of thought, and clear evidence of text understanding.
  5. Optional Comments or Questions to the Instructor is at the end of the assignment.
  6. The assigned textbook reading is stated below.(Note: Textbook=Text)
  7. Save your work or file as LastnameFirstinitial7UG, and then submit for grading.
  8. Grades are not posted on Moodle but on your returned assignment, marked in blue.
  9. Be sure to read/review, understand, and follow all instructions before doing this assignment. A little read time can make a big grade difference.
  10. Note the Course Codes: MV=Motivation & UG=Undergraduate.



Assignment Seven: Maximizing and Personalizing

Principles of Motivational Success

Student Name:


Assigned Textbook Reading: Read the Habit 6 portion of the text.

Look overPPT-7a/b/cand PPT-8a/b/c.

(Note that PPT-8a/b is found within the Week 8 task list.)

For this exercise, refer only to the assigned text book portion and the PPT readings, or as instructed.

Responses should be different or greatly expanded beyond previous answers.

Note: The grade letter will depend on clarity, depth, and quality of the answers.


7.0 Question about Upcoming Assignment:

What movie about motivational success are you considering for Assignment 9? Include the release year and few sentence synopses. Make sure that the movie has adequate content to answer the assignment questions. The instructor will indicate if the movie is approved.

<Read “Movie Analysis Based on Course Studies” under, the Assignment 9 Question/Answer Instructions. Choose a movie with a motivational success theme.

Be sure to review the Assignment 9 questions and pre-assess if your selected movie has supporting depth in story and characters for adequate responses to related questions .A quality movie may be determined from an online search and may be found in various free or paid venues.>


7.1 Applying Zig Ziglar’s Writings to Self: (Document answers as instructed.)

Look overand refer only to PPT-7a and PPT-8a. Select and cite 2-3 teachings, that will helpwith what you most need to improve.Under each quote or paraphrase, state your response. Tell how any lack of that quality or practice is currently affecting your personal, relational, and/or vocationalsuccess. Specifically explain how you can applyeach of your selected Ziglar’s principles to improve your motivation toward success in whatever you need or desire. Answer in 1 or more pages.

<See the APA Guide for citation examples .Citations follow a “quote” and go before the period. Citations for paraphrases go at the end of the associated paragraph. Please identify other people by relationship, by position, or by a first name.>


7.2 Self-Evaluation Analysis: (Document cited answers as instructed.)

Refer only to the Self Evaluation supplements PPT-7b (Timely Habits-No Procrastination?) and 8b(Vision of Plans, Commitment & Goals?). Select 2 or more quotes under Food for Thought that mostly relate to you. State your response under each cited quote. Tell how applying each quote can help you, directly or indirectly for the past, present, and/or future issues. Be sure to specifically explain how or why your selections can positively improve your effectiveness. Answer in 1 or more pages.

<Document with APA style citations which follow the “quote” and go before the period.  Please identify other people by relationship, by position, or by first name.Some of the PPT quotes may be abbreviated from the original statement.>


7.3Textbook Related Questions from Covey’s Habit 6:

 (Do not restate pervious answers, but using a same example is acceptable.)


For sub-parts a and d, refer to related and specific parts of the documented text and blend with your comments.

  1. Define “Synergize.” On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate yourself as doing Habit 6: (1.) In your personal life and (2.) At or in your vocation.


  1. Give an example of home, family, or friends where and how you need and can apply Habit 6 for a better outcome. What do you expect the result will be?


  1. Give an example at or of your work where and how you need and can apply Habit 6 for a better outcome. What do you expect the result will be?


  1. What other main thing did you take away from Habit 6 that if applied would improve your effectiveness? Give a specific life example and explain how you could make a more positive change with this improvement.


  1. Considering your answers above, what would be your greatest challenge to maintaining long term success by following Habit 6?


<This part needs to be a total of about 2 pages or more. Document with multiple APA style references for direct quotes and paraphrasing. Please identify other people by relationship, by position, or by a first name.>


7.4Major Question: Motivational Success Goal Plan #3

<The page requirement for this question is about 2 pages or more.>


Consider all of Covey’s teachings that you have studied up to now.

Develop a desired Achievement Goal that you want to accomplish within the next year and which you are motivated to complete. Support your goal by what is or has been covered in the text. Do not repeat what you did for your other two goals.


Answer under each numbered sub-part.


  1. Explain the Challenge:

What condition or necessity do you want and need to improve or change and what is the main issue and/or specific difficulty regarding this situation?


  1. Link to the main Self-Evaluation:

Just give the number and the main title (# _-main title) from the ten Self-Evaluation questions that best match your issue and goal without any added explanation.


  1. Related Textbook Helps:

What are some specific and documented teachings and examples from the text through your current assigned reading that will be helpful in your attaining your goal?

<For c: Document with multiple non sequential APA citations from the said text, blended with your thoughts, that can help with a solution to your issue.>


  1. Detailed Goal Plan:
  2. What is your specific goal, which is both realistic and achievable, that you can and will do for motivational success and what do you want to see happen?


  1. What about you, documented according to Covey, needs to change or improve for your goal to make this part of your life more productive, more accomplished, and/or better off?


  1. What resources, or support, if any, will you need to achieve your goal?


  1. How and/or when do you plan to start?


<For Assignment 8, you will need to generally report on the results of your goal results.>


7.4 Optional Comments or Questions to the Instructor:

< If you have no comments or questions, delete 7.4.>




<Properly reference per the APA style all textbook, PPTs and other sources used.>