Help With Assignments 1,2 & 3

The University of North America

Instructor: Prof. Aliakbar Jalali Assignment #1 -10% of overall grade
Class: INST560– Internet of Things (I0T)Fall 2022
Due by:11:55 PM EST on Saturday, OCT 15
Please do all your work in this file and return it on Moodle!


YourName: Miguel Eduardo Palacios Morataya

Please note:

An assignment is a piece of academic task for this class. It provides opportunity for students to learn, practice and demonstrate they have achieved the learning goals. It provides the evidence for the teacher that the students have achieved the goals.

This is an important assignment with 10% of overall grade!You are not allowed to receive help from anyone to complete this assignment. Also, you are not allowed to directly copy and paste your answers from any other source including from the Internetas that is a violation of the school policy and is considered cheating and will result in receiving a grade ofzerofor the assignment.


  • Because you are graduate students research is an important part of your study. The purpose of this assignment as an IoT Mini Project is to let you find your topic to be aware of practical skills of IoT for extending your IoT knowledge.
  • You must work on this file!Please return this file back to me via Moodle as soon as you finish your assignment #1. (don’t convert to pdf or another format).
  • Add your name on the top of this page and save the file as INST560Assig1_yourname, then submit it on Moodle (you may lose some points if you do not follow this rule).



Assignment # 1 (mini project) Question

Step1: Choose one of these 20 IoT projects ideas on the following link:

that interests you as the topic of your Assignment #1 (mini project).

Step 2: Use the Internet or other resources for researching on your selected topic.

Step 3: Write a short paper (Maximum 3 pages) as assignment #1 for your selected topic according to the following format:

How to Write a Good Short (3-Page) Paper (for IoT Mini Project as An Assignment #1)

Writing a good short paper is challenging for students who are inexperienced in writing such papers. The paper review process of student’s study on selected topics, which allowed submissions of 3-pages extended summaries of research.

The typical short paper submission should have the following:

  • Title of topic: (Select one topic from above 20 IoT project idea as your topic)
  • Name of Student:your Name
  • Abstract:(Write directly to the point and demonstrate your contributions quickly in one short paragraph).
  • Introduction:Write statement of your problem, give history of that problem, if possible, write, why you have chosen this topic, why your topic is important? etc., and expand the content of your topic as much as you like.
  • Body: You may divide this part by some sections and explain about your problem in more detail. You may explain the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges of your project. You may write about hardware, software, components, cost, security, connectivity, physical design, power requirements, data acquisition and whatever you have found in your research.
  • Conclusion:explain your achievements in this part.
  • References:Add at least 2 references which you have used for your research topic should be presented here.

Note1: I am not asking students to do practical projects or write a software program.

Note 2: Due for Assignment # 1 is OCTOBER 15, 2022.


******************** Write or Past Your Short PaperHere********************

See sample paper on Moodle


Your Topic (10 points):

Your Name (5 points):

Abstract (15 points):

Introduction (20 points):

Body (30 points):

Conclusion (10 points):

Reference (10 points):