Help With Makeup Assgn (15) Due In 72 Hours

Week 15 Assignment 1: Short Essay 1

After reading Alice Walker’s “Womanism: Perspectives Past and Present,” describe what the term “womanism” means highlighting its similarities and differences with feminism.

RELI 1301-01-OL Debate

Debate Topic:  “How can evil exist in a world created and sustained by a God who is good?

Outline 4 points arguing the affirmative

Outline 5 points arguing the negative

Summarize your thoughts regarding the above issue.

WEEK 9 Assignment 2: DISCUSSION

Are there times in real life when it is OK to tell a lie? Explain what warrants such occasions. Your responses must be no less than 200 words.


Week 8 Assignment 2: DISCUSSION:

Islam means “surrender” or “submission,” To be a Muslim is to submit to the will of God. In what ways do you think this is similar, or different from the Christian idea of obedience to God?


Week 8 Assignment 3: Short Essay

 Explain each of the five (5) Pillars of Islam

Week 2 Assignment 3: Short Essay 2- File upload

The Pythagoreans believed in transmigration of souls. Research online to find out what transmigration of souls is. In a short essay define what is the transmigration of souls. What other existing world religion(s) believe in the transmigration of souls? (200 words)

First Bible Observation Report

Complete the Bible Observation Report. A sample is provided to assist you in completing this assignment. You can find the sample under the Modules tab.

For this assignment you will choose a Scripture passage that you wish to research. DO NOT choose the passage used in the sample (Ephesians 2). You may use any Scripture passage in the Old or New Testament (except Ephesians 2). Ask questions of the passage and write them down along with your insights. You are encouraged to use a Study Bible to complete this assignment.

Remember, use the sample as a guide to complete your own Bible Observation Report. Follow the outline in the sample form exactly.

Week 2 Assignment 2: CPI GROUP DISCUSSION 2:

What are we to understand by the famous aphorism of Heraclitus that ’one never steps in the same river twice?’ Can you think of modern, real life examples to illustrate to us what Heraclitus means and how it is important in understanding reality in general? Your responses must be no less than 200 words.


Week 7 Assignment 2: DISCUSSION 6: Christianity origins

What do Christians today understand the term “Christ.” Please respond to this question basing your response on this week’s reading. Your response must be no less than 200 words.


Week 6 Assignment 3: Short Essay 6- File upload

Many thinkers who argue against God claim that the universe seems so cruel and unjust. They contend that the existence of evil rules out the possibility of an all-knowing, all-loving and all-powerful God who is benevolent. In a brief essay, respond to this claim using ideas from Immanuel Kant and C.S. Lewis in this week’s reading. (150-200 words)

Week 6 Assignment 2: DISCUSSION 6: Philosophy and Ultimate Reality

Why do you think God allows pandemics like Covid-19 into the world and humans? Your responses must be no less than 200 words.


Week 5 Assignment 3: Short Essay 5- File upload

Write at least a 3-page paper, no more than 4, comparing the difference between the Artichoke and Avocado view of human nature and which one do you mostly agree with and why. Make sure you utilize your handouts and online resources. Use complete sentences and proper grammar.

Week 5 Assignment 2: CPI GROUP DISCUSSION 5: Racial and Ethnic Labels


To what extent do racial and ethnic labels, as well as gender, shape how we think of ourselves? Is it possible it possible to ignore those characteristics? Can we be completely color and gender blind? Your responses must be no less than 200 words.


Week 1 Assignment 3: Short Essay 1-(File upload)

Explain how science cannot answer all human questions. (150 words)


WEEK 10 Assignment 3: Short Essay

How do you think the history taught in public schools has limited history or even falsified history. Comppare Links to an external site.among many other sources.