Writing work 3—Connecting through Classical Argument Argument: What Is It? In its most basic form, an argument can be broken down into two components: • A claim (a statement that requires evidence) • Support (evidence that supports the claim) For this work, however, you will be writing a classical argument. A classical argument takes this simple definition of argument and expands upon it, breaking it into more specific and defined components. Argument: The Classical Pattern The classical pattern of argument – the type of argument you will write – is divided into the following components: 1. Introduction 2. Narration 3. Partition 4. Argument 5. Refutation 6. Conclusion Argument: The Introduction In your introduction, you lead your audience to the topic in a clear, natural manner. In other words, you don’t want to throw your audience into the middle of your argument without introducing the subject matter. There are several ways to accomplish this goal: • Cite a surprising statistic that makes the audience realize the significance of your topic • Recount a recent news event related to your topic • Tell a hypothetical story related to your topic • Relate the experience of somebody connected to your topic Argument: The Narration In the narration of your argument, you will give your audience enough information to both understand your argument and realize its significance. Typically, you need to achieve the following: • Connect your topic to your audience • Make your audience understand how your topic affects them • Provide context – social, cultural, legal, historical – so that your audience sees the overall situation surrounding your topic • Explain your topic – and any related terms/concepts – in a manner that your audience can understand Argument: The Partition Your partition is your thesis, which should be a claim. Crafting an effective claim is the most important part of writing this work, for it is the foundation of the entire work. Indeed, without a claim, you have no argument. Your claim should meet several criteria: • It must be arguable. If everyone agrees with your thesis, you have a statement of fact – not a claim. The proper response to your thesis should not be “Okay,” but “Oh really? Show me!” • It must be defendable. While your claim must be arguable, it should not be so outlandish that it is impossible to defend. If you find that it is, stop and revise. • It should be clear and specific. Your audience needs to know the direction of your argument. Argument: The Argument This part of your argument is the heart of the work Here you will make the case for your thesis, remaining objective and using sound logic along the way. In your argument, remember to: • Thoroughly support all aspects of your thesis with evidence • Build your argument upon logos, avoiding any manipulative appeals to emotion • Use pathos judiciously and cautiously, reserving it to put a human face on your topic • Avoid logical fallacies Argument: The Refutation An argument is not complete until it acknowledges and refutes opposing viewpoints. Showing your audience that you are fair and open-minded, the refutation is as important as your argument. In your refutation, you should: • Acknowledge and summarize opposing viewpoints; then • Show why these opposing viewpoints are not valid; or • If you have to concede a point, show why — overall – your viewpoint is still preferable • Remain objective and fair Argument: The Conclusion is a crucial part of your argument, reiterating your claim, reminding your audience of your main points, and often encouraging the audience to take action. Do not skimp on your conclusion simply because it is the only thing between you and being finished. Instead: • Bolster your argument by reiterating your claim • Provide a synopsis of the main points of your argument • End with a call to action, encouraging your audience to take action
Use the above information and write a classical argumentative work of 3 pages in MLA format I need it in 6 hours’ time