- At least 7-8 pages
- Use 12-point Times New Roman font (not bold).
- Double-space all papers.
- PROOFREAD. There should be no spelling or grammatical errors.
- Do not use contractions. Spell all words out.
- Use proper APA citations: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
- You may write your papers in first person. However, avoid using phrases such as “I feel/believe/think.” Your papers will be much stronger if you simply make claims, rather than identifying them as opinions.
- Avoid passive voice. Always have a subject in your sentences.
- Avoid incomplete and run-on sentences.
- Never use the word “okay” in a formal paper. Be specific—use the thesaurus.
- Begin your papers with a strong introductory paragraph that introduces your topic.
- End your papers with a clear, concise conclusion summarizing your argument.
- Do not be repetitive.
- Avoid using many direct quotes. Paraphrase in your own words – and use citations!!
- Understand that there is a craft to writing – attempt to present the material in a concise, professional manner that is polished and well-organized.