HRMN 467 Week 2 – Culture & Global Staffing




– Please cite your work in your responses

– Please use APA (7th edition) formatting

– All questions and each part of the question should be answered in detail (Go into depth)

– Response to questions must demonstrate understanding and application of concepts covered in class,

– Use in-text citations and at LEAST 2 resources per discussion from the school materials that I provided to support all answers.

The use of course materials to support ideas is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

– Responses MUST be organized (Should be logical and easy to follow)

– Include at least 2 references per discussion and include in-text citations from the class materials



At least 250 words for each discussion question is a good measure of a quality post.

“Include the full question before each response.   Break the questions up if there are multiple questions within the main question.  Answer each part separately.”   

When you post your responses, you must use the resources from the class. In the Discussion area, I am really looking for evidence that you read the course material and can apply it (per teacher)

Question 1 & 2: Read HR1 & HR2

Question 1: How would individualism vs collectivism influence behavior in the workplace in a different culture? Give an example.

Include at least 2 references and include in-text citations from the class materials

Question 2: In your own words, describe an advantage and a challenge of being a transnational company.

Include at least 2 references and include in-text citations from the class materials

Question 3 & 4: Read HR 3 and HR 4

Question 3: IN YOUR OWN WORDS, explain the advantages and disadvantages of using home country nationals. In which situation would you use this staffing strategy?

Include at least 2 references and include in-text citations from the class materials

Question 4: What three skills do you believe are most valuable for expatriates to acquire, both for an expatriate’s career development and overall operational success, as well as the success of the companies for which they work? Use class resources to support your answers.

Include at least 2 references and include in-text citations from the class materials