Human Growth and Development

Please consider 3 areas of development in these 4 children:  (1) Physical development, (2) Cognitive development, and (3) social-emotional development and submit a written response to the questions below..

1.  Describe episodes or scenes in the lives of these babies that demonstrate the SAME concept, stage or developmental event in each of the 3 areas of development listed above (physical, cognitive, & social-emotional). In other words, what do you see that is the SAME in these children as respects physical development, cognitive development, and social-emotional development?

2.  Describe any DIFFERENCES in these children that might be attributed to environment or nurture (that is, physical environment, family arrangements, parenting style, nutrition, etc.). Again, please note one difference in physical development, one difference in cognitive development, and one difference in social-emotional development. To what do you attribute the differences that you note?


Homework Assignment 1: BABIES VideoHomework Assignment 1: BABIES VideoCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMeets ExpectationsAt least 1 biological developmental issue, 1 cognitive developmental issue, and 1 socio-emotional issue were discussed for both questions 1 & 210 ptsMeets ExpectationsAt least 1 biological development issue, 1 cognitive developmental issue, and 1 socio-emotional developmental issue were discussed for both questions 1 & 2