Human Growth And Development


Parenting is influential on developing children. Parental responses shape attachment in infancy and continue impacting development during early and middle childhood.


Initial Post

Define the four parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved.Select one parent style and create a scenario between a parent and child that demonstrates the parenting style. The scenario should include the actions or words of the parent and how the child would respond to this behavior and explain how the scenario fits into the selected parenting style.


Response Post

Reply to a peer whose definitions or scenario helped you understand the parenting style. Attempt to respond to a peer who chose a parenting style different from the style you selected in your initial post. What about the definition or example that helped you understand that parenting style?




What Are the Four Types of Parenting Styles?

The four parenting styles commonly used in psychology are authoritative parenting style, authoritarian parenting style, permissive parenting style, and neglectful parenting style.


Authoritative Parenting (Psychology Definition): “An authoritative parenting style is a child-rearing approach characterized by high responsiveness and high expectations. Authoritative parents are warm and responsive to their child’s emotional needs while holding the child to high standards. They set limits and consistently enforce the boundaries” (Li, 2023c).


Authoritarian Parenting (Psychology Definition): “Authoritarian parenting is an autocratic parenting style characterized by high demands but low responsiveness. Authoritarian parents require their children to meet high standards, yet they are cold and aloof to the child’s emotional needs” (Li, 2023a).


Permissive Parenting (Psychology Definition): “Permissive parenting, also known as the indulgent parenting style, is characterized by high responsiveness and low demandingness. Permissive-indulgent parents are very responsive to their child’s emotional needs; however, they do not set limits or are inconsistent in enforcing boundaries” (Li, 2023a).


Uninvolved Parenting/Neglectful Parenting (Psychology Definition): “Uninvolved parenting is characterized by low responsiveness and demandingness. These neglectful parents are uninvolved in their child’s life, and they do not meet their child’s needs, whether basic or emotional. They also do not set boundaries or discipline their children” (Li, 2023b).


Scenario: Permissive Parenting


Parent: I received an email from your teacher today, and she said you were acting out in class and being disruptive. Can you explain to me what happened?

Child: Mom, it was totally not my fault. I was sitting with a group of friends, and they were the ones that were acting up, not me. That teacher does not even like me.

Parent: Okay, honey, I am glad we could discuss it. Can you make sure to pick up your room before dinner?

Child: Sure, Mom, but I planned to spend the night at a friend’s house tonight. Can I clean it tomorrow when I get home?

Parent: Yes, honey, that will be fine, but you must clean it as soon as you get home.


This scenario fits into the selected parenting style because permissive parents will tolerate their child even when the child is wrong. They have little to no rules or have rules but apply them inconsistently. Permissive parents tend to reward their children even when they do wrong and do not enforce consequences for bad behavior.


Li, P. (2023b). Uninvolved Parenting – Why It’s The Worst Parenting Style. Parenting for Brain.


Li, P. (2023a). Permissive Parenting – Why Indulgent Parenting Is Bad For Your Child. Parenting for Brain.


Li, P. (2023a). What is Authoritarian Parenting? Does Tough Love Work? Parenting for Brain.


Li, P. (2023c). What Is Authoritative Parenting? (Examples and Comparisons). Parenting for Brain.


Reply 2

The authoritative parenting style is when a parent enforces rules and creates a positive relationship with the child (LCSW, 2022). The authoritarian parenting style is when the parent focuses on obedience and punishment is looked at before discipline (LCSW, 2022). The permissive parenting style is described as the parent who doesn’t enforce rules and believes in the saying “kids will be kids” (LCSW, 2022). The uninvolved parenting style is when the parent is not paying any attention, nurturing the child, or providing guidance to the child (LCSW, 2022).


Child: “I’m going to go to my friend’s house after school”

Mom: “Alright”

Child: *Doesn’t come home until 1 am on a school night*

Mom: “Goodnight, son”


This scenario is an example of the parenting style of not being involved. This shows the uninvolved parenting style because the mom doesn’t care that the child didn’t ask permission or when he came home on a school night.




Lcsw, A. M. (2022). The 4 Types of Parenting Styles and How Kids Are Affected. Verywell Family.