Human Resources & Business Strategies

Week 6 Assignment 1 – Learning Activity: Developing an Employee Training Session

Week 6 Assignment 1 – Learning Activity: Developing an Employee Training Session

Completing this activity will help you prepare for the upcoming assignment in Week 9; as practice for the assignment, you should focus on content, not formatting. Your paper should be no more than two pages in length.

Imagine you are a new employee in an HR department. Your first task is to develop a plan for an employee training session on stress management.

  • Identify specific, relevant topics that should be covered during the training session, with justification.
  • Describe proven methods of tracking employee attendance and dealing with employees who do not attend or participate in mandatory training.
  • Develop detailed criteria to assist in selecting a vendor to use for the stress management training session.
  • Provide a well-reasoned explanation for why one of these training methods is most effective: presentations, case studies, simulations, and discussions.
  • Cite one or more credible, relevant, and appropriate sources that support the creation of a training plan.
    • Consider beginning with your course textbook and sources that can be found in the library.
    • For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.