I Need Help

Discussion Board Instructions:
For your main post, draw your classmates into your post by coming up with a creative title for your post! When addressing the discussion prompt be original! Remember, each student brings a unique perspective to the discussion. When you address the prompts, not do so in a “Question and Answer” format (we know the questions you will be answering initially), but rather create a flow in your response.
For your main post, discuss your thoughts and knowledge for the following questions:
What are your personal/system values and beliefs that influence your life?
How might these values and belief systems influence your interactions with other people including potential clients, colleagues, and other professionals?
What is a taboo topic your system has put into place?
How might this taboo topic bring about difficulties for you and your client in counseling sessions?
You should use a range of scholarly literature to support your discussion. You must have two citations for your initial post.