Ifsm 441 Week 6

Scenario #4 (Sprint/Release Management Practices- Group Project)



Scenario 4: Estimation, Sprint Backlog, Daily Scrum Meeting,
and Performance Management

Due Week 7


Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the “XYZ Corporation Case” and Scenario #3.This is a continuation of Scenario #3.

Purpose of the Assignment

This assignment gives students the opportunity to apply IFSM 441 course concepts and specifically addresses the following course outcomes:

  1. Evaluate the values, principles, strategies and practice of Agile tools in order to mitigate uncertainty and risk with project delivery.
  2. Compare Agile versus traditional project methodologies in order to provide thebest fit for the organization.
  3. Apply Agile framework to meet the specific operational needs.
  4. Evaluate and implement performance measures in order to assess thesuccess of an Agile project.

Your Group and Assigned Roles

This assignment your Scenario #3 Agile Role rotates to a new role as follows:

  1. Scenario #3 Scrum Master to Scenario #4 Product Owner Coordinator
  2. Scenario #3 Product Owner Coordinator to Scenario #4 Team Coordinator
  3. Scenario #3 Team Coordinator to Scenario #4 Scrum Master

You are to divide into teams of 3 persons (or 2 or 4 persons if needed). In a 3-person team, one person will assume each of the following three roles:  1) Scrum Master – focus on process;
2) Product Owner Coordinator – focus on the product (interfacing as needed with the instructor who serves as Product Owner); 3) Team Coordinator – focus on the developer team inputs (you represent the voices of 11 developer team members (including 2 .NET developers, 2 SQL Server developers, 2 SharePoint developers, 2 quality assurance specialists testers, 2 business analysts, and 1 technical writer). Your roles within the team are assigned to you via rotation from Scenario #3, as indicated above. Reference the key roles in Agile/Scrum projects in the Lecture Notes and assigned readings to better understand your assigned role and the roles of your IFSM 441 team members. Aside from your assigned role, you should self-organize and share responsibilities to help your team meet its assignment requirements, sharing the workload as equally as is feasible.

Overview of Scenario #4 Task Assignment

At this juncture, back in Scenario #3, your team has submitted the project’s high-level release plan and associated details. It’s time to focus on the sprint level, where in Scenario 4 work tasks are estimated by hours (not function points or story points)and assigned to one or more sprints. Each sprint is carried out by the development team, and performance is managed and assessed.

Your task assignment is to develop a High-Level Report  in the form of a consolidated Executive Summary, for Scenario #4, with the following 5 deliverables integrated into the report:

  1. Estimation Exercise – The gist of this exercise is to fit the appropriate number of stories into one or more sprints based on estimated hours. See background information in Lecture Notes, assigned readings, and your own web searches.
  1. Sprint Backlog Exercise – The gist of this exercise is to survey and define the sprint backlog. See background information in Lecture Notes, assigned readings, and your own web searches.
  2. Daily Scrum Meeting Exercise – The gist of this exercise is in a one-half page narrative to describe a “fantasy” description of a Daily Scrum Meeting for your team, based on your readings on daily Scrum meetings. The meeting should focus on the interactions between the ScrumMaster and Delivery Team. See background information in Lecture Notes, assigned readings, and your own web searches.
  3. Sprint Burndown Chart Exercise – The gist of this exercise is to develop a chart graphic of your sprint burndown.See background information in Lecture Notes, assigned readings, and your own web searches.
  4. Release Burndown Chart Exercise – The gist of this exercise is to develop a chart graphic of your release burndown. See background information in Lecture Notes, assigned readings, and your own web searches.Task Requirements
  5. Team scoring table: Reuse the scoring table your team developed in Scenario #3 and reassess the team. Only the scoring table is required and not the team building narratives.There are no additional instructions contained in the “Scenario 4 Exercise Sheet.docx” document; however, this is a required deliverable for Scenario #4.

Other Guidance

  1. Follow the approaches, methodologies, conventions, and formats presented in the Lecture Notes, assigned readings, and as you take note of in helpful web searches unless otherwise directed by the instructor;
  2. Follow all guidelines in the provided assignment rubric to maximize your grade; and See the Course Syllabus, related Course Content area files, and LEO Classroom News as needed for supporting information.




Scenario #4 Grading Rubric


Attribute Full Points Partial Points No points Possible Points Points Earned
Estimation Exercise


The response is per Agile principles and values, appropriate, well developed, and well presented with no errors in content or English usage.


The response is not sufficiently per Agile principles/values, appropriate, or well developed and presented. No minimally acceptable presentation of value. 20  
Sprint Backlog Exercise The response is per Agile principles and values, appropriate, well developed, and well presented with no errors in content or English usage.


The response is not sufficiently per Agile principles/values, appropriate, or well developed and presented. No minimally acceptable presentation of value. 20  
Daily Scrum Meeting Exercise The response is per Agile principles and values, appropriate, well developed, and well presented with no errors in content or English usage.


The response is not sufficiently per Agile principles/values, appropriate, or well developed and presented. No minimally acceptable presentation of value. 20  
Sprint Burndown Exercise The response is per Agile principles and values, appropriate, well developed, and well presented with no errors in content or English usage.


The response is not sufficiently per Agile principles/values, appropriate, or well developed and presented. No minimally acceptable presentation of value. 20  



Release Burndown Exercise



The response is per Agile principles and values, appropriate, well developed, and well presented with no errors in content or English usage.


The response is not sufficiently per Agile principles/values, appropriate, or well developed and presented. No minimally acceptable presentation of value.