Listen to the course relaxation audio file for 5-7 days. Using the course data sheet
rate your before and after arousal and activation levels for at least 3 of those days. Then write a 2-3 page reflection paper on your experience listening to this progressive muscle relaxation (PMR). Make sure that you comment on both your experiences and the technical aspects of this PMR. A strong paper will make specific connections between what has been learned from outside experiences and the application of PMR to sport and/or exercise.
Arousal Reflection Rubric
Arousal Reflection Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelf-disclosure regarding guided experienceSeeks to understand concepts of effective goal setting by examining openly your own experiences in the past as they relate to the relaxation audio, to illustrate points you are making. Demonstrates an open, non-defensive ability to self-appraise, discussing both growth and frustrations as they related to learning in class. Risks asking probing questions about self and seeks to answer these.
6 ptsExemplary
4 ptsIntermediate
2 ptsBeginning
6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnection to outside experiencesIn-depth synthesis of thoughtfully selected aspects of experiences related to arousal control in sport. Makes clear connections between what is learned from outside experiences and the guided relaxation.
6 ptsExemplary
4 ptsIntermediate
2 ptsBeginning
6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnection to class reading & course objectivesSynthesize clearly some directly appropriate ideas or issues from the class discussion as they relate to arousal control.
4 ptsExemplary
2 ptsBeginning
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling, grammar, and APA format
4 ptsExemplary
2 ptsBeginning
4 pts
Total Points: 20