Your paper will include the following sections. Do not use any format other than an attached Microsoft Word file. Use a standard font style and size. A page in the body of your paper (other than the Cover, TOC, and References) is equivalent to approximately 250 words. In total, the body of your paper can range from a minimum of eight pages (2,000 words) to a maximum of 16 pages (4.000 words). The match percentage cannot exceed 20% (highly suggested to paraphrase sources).
Cover (1 page):
Include your name, course, and date.
Table of Contents (1-2 pages):
Use a Microsoft Enabled Table of Contents feature.
Background of the Problem (1-2 pages):
Describe the problem and elaborate on any previous attempts to examine that issue.
Research Questions (1-2 pages):
For the identified problem, discuss the research questions that were posed.
Methodology(-ies) and Design(s) (2-3 pages):
Discuss the methodology(-ies) (e.g., quantitative, qualitative) and design(s) (e.g., case study, survey) the researchers used. Describe some of the chosen populations.
Data Analysis (2-3 pages):
Discuss some of the findings.
Conclusions (1-2 pages):
Discuss some of the conclusions.
Professional Application (1-2 pages):
Discuss the relevance of the research to your own profession and/or career.
References (1-2 pages):
Include at least five scholarly references in APA format (all these must also be cited throughout your paper).