Intro to Ethics W3 Discuss 2


Choose either Option 1 or 2 for your Initial Posting.

Option 1. Do you identify more with Kant’s deontology or Bentham’s Utilitarianism from Chapter 5?  Is intention more important than consequences? Give an example of a difficult decision you made that you feel was the morally right decision. Was your decision based on intention, on consequences, or on a combination of both? 

Option 2. Refer to Box 6.3 on page 254 in your textbook. Consider the idea that rationality creates good decisions. Identify a decision you made that could have used more reason (logic) to arrive at a good or moral decision or identify a decision that you made rationally that could have used more emotion. 

Directions:  Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and should adequately answer the following asked.