Introduction to Philosophy Discussion 4

1. From your reading of Anselms text alone (in other words, dont do any research on the internet before you answer this questionyou can do that later), try to construct the argument you think he is making (his ontological argument for Gods existence). Then, construct the argument you think Gaunilo uses to challenge Anselms argument, and Anselms reply to Gaunilo. (Note: There are several different ways to construct these arguments; we will discuss them at length in the discussion threads.)

2. Pick one of St. Thomas five ways for demonstrating the existence of God and construct an argument showing its structure (as above, please do this from your reading of the text alone). How is the argument supposed to work? Do you think that it demonstrates what it sets out to demonstrate? Why or why not? Be specific. We will be discussing St. Thomas demonstrations at length in this weeks discussion.
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