Journal Analysis





Lean manufacturing 


Ankit Sinha

Journal Analysis

Organizational Theory











Lean manufacturing refers to a procedure that aims on minimizing waste and maximizing productivity in manufacturing systems. The authors of this article are Atul Palange and Pankaj Dhatrak. The two authors are professors at the MIT-World Peace University, Pune, India, in the faculty of mechanicals. The authors claim that lean manufacturing is vital in promoting productivity in a manufacturing system. The authors also claim that customer satisfaction is the primary objective of manufacturing activities. Customer satisfaction is achieved by providing quality products at a reasonable cost. There are various benefits of lean manufacturing in production activities. Waste in a manufacturing facility can be effectively reduced through lean manufacturing. Possibly the biggest benefit associated with lean production is this since any activity which does not improve the process is considered waste.










Lean manufacturing 

Definition: Lean manufacturing refers to a procedure that aims on minimizing waste and maximizing productivity in manufacturing systems.  (Yadav et al., 2020). Waste refers to anything that the customers believe does not add value and they are not willing to pay for.


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The authors of this article are Atul Palange and Pankaj Dhatrak. The two authors are professors at the MIT-World Peace University, Pune, India, in the faculty of mechanicals. The authors claim that lean manufacturing is vital in promoting productivity in a manufacturing system. The authors also claim that customer satisfaction is the primary objective of manufacturing activities. Customer satisfaction is achieved by providing quality products at a reasonable cost. If an organization is adaptable enough to consistently and systematically respond to consumer needs and add value to the product in the process, it will survive and maintain its competency regardless of whether it provides manufacturing or service (Palange & Dhatrak, 2021). The main factors determining a product’s price are labour, material, and equipment costs, which rise together with the inflation rate. According to basic math, a direct financial cost is associated with underusing the tools, resources, and labour. Therefore, the focus should be on the maximum utilization of the dominant parameters. The information presented by these authors is vital for all manufacturing firms in improving their productivity and maximizing profits.




Finding a production strategy to help you keep a competitive edge in the market is crucial in modern manufacturing. Many manufacturers have concluded that lean manufacturing is the best option as they search for the most advantageous production technique. Lean manufacturing, which has its roots in the Japanese automobile industry, seeks to eliminate waste and any non-value-added operations from the production process. This approach has gained recognition and transformed industry all across the world. This manufacturing process can effectively optimize production within your business by reducing waste and production time. Waste removal can lower expenses and increase product quality while removing it from the system. The more static aspects of manufacturing, including material staging and inventory warehousing, can notably benefit from these strategies. There are various benefits of lean manufacturing in production activities. Waste in a manufacturing facility can be effectively reduced through lean manufacturing. Possibly the biggest benefit associated with lean production is this since any activity which does not improve the process is considered waste. Inventory, motion, overproduction, waiting, flaws, over-processing and transportation are some instances of common waste sectors. This method removes stale or old goods that businesses hold onto in large quantities together with garbage.

Additionally, this procedure lowers operating expenses. Lean emphasizes issues from devoted customers and their recommendations to eliminate some inefficient procedures. Companies can concentrate on their devoted consumers to create solid and dependable relationships rather than focusing on the needs of all customers. By doing this, you will have better interactions with your clients, and you’re standing with them will guarantee a consistent income stream. When you have a lean infrastructure, you only need a few things, like buildings, equipment, supplies, labor, and supplies to meet short-term inventory needs. The plant can operate with minimal waste and achieve the highest production efficiency possible. I have observed lean manufacturing helping many business owners in my local community.


















Palange, A., & Dhatrak, P. (2021). Lean manufacturing is a vital tool to enhance productivity in manufacturing. Materials Today: Proceedings46, 729-736.

Yadav, G., Luthra, S., Huisingh, D., Mangla, S. K., Narkhede, B. E., & Liu, Y. (2020). Development of a lean manufacturing framework to enhance its adoption within manufacturing companies in developing economies. Journal of Cleaner Production245, 118726.