

Over the last 4 weeks, you have been introduced to a handful of different curriculum models for teaching PE.  In this assignment, you are asked to compare and contrast each of these models (Direct Instruction, PSI, Cooperative Learning, Sport Education, Peer Teaching, Inquiry Teaching, Tactical Games, and TPSR).  Use the questions below to complete your work.  Please submit a word document with the questions copied and pasted, together with your typed responses. Use APA formatting. Include at least 2 scholarly references to validate your answers.

1.  If you had to pick one model that you would prefer as a learner, which would it be? Why? What part/s of the model would facilitate the way you like to learn, and what part/s would challenge you?

2.  If you have to pick one model that you would prefer as an instructor, which would it be? Why? What part/s of the model would facilitate the way you like to teach, and what part/s would challenge you?

3.  Regarding the model you chose in #2, explain three different strategies you would use to help you implement this model for high school PE students.

4.  Which models would best fit high school PE? Why?  Are there any models that you feel would NOT fit a high school PE classroom? Provide your rationale.

5.  Do you have any experience as a learner with any of the models? Describe the pros and cons from your perspective as a learner.   

6.  Regarding the model you chose in #2, list at least 3 physical education content units you think would be taught effectively with this model. Why do you think the model would work for those content areas?

7.  Regarding the model you chose in #2, do you believe this model would be effective across all grades in high school PE, or does it lend itself better to upper or lower-classmen? Provide your rationale.

8. Finally, regarding the model you chose in #2, do you believe this model is able to accomplish the goal of developing a physically literate individual who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of physical activity? Why or why not?

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