

The purpose of this project is to provide you with apractical and meaningful opportunity tospark (or advance) your career. To accomplish this purpose, you will: (1) research a potential career or internship within an industry (or specific company); (2) engage in a meaningful networking activity; and (3) write up some reflections about the whole process. More information for each part is found below, as well as in various documents on D2L.


Part 1 – Research

  • Selecting a career, industry, and/or company
    • The purpose of this project is to provide you with a practical and meaningful professional development opportunity, therefore…
      • This is not necessarily about a dream job, position, profession, etc.
        • Although it can be
      • You will select a career, an industry, and/or a specific company with which you might reasonably:
        • Land an internship in an upcoming semester
        • Pursue a job to begin right after you graduate
      • Note that you are not looking for job openings, but rather are seeking a broader picture of the career, industry, and/or company
    • Research the career, industry, and/or company
      • MTSU Career Center (https://www.mtsu.edu/career/index.php)
        • Has information career paths of specific majors
        • You can also connect with a career adviser
      • Lightening Career Link (https://www.mtsu.edu/career/LCL.php)
        • MTSU’s recruiting software platform for professional positions requiring a college degree
        • Also has info on internships
      • MTSU Access to CareerShift (http://www.careershift.com/?sc=mtsu)
        • Research companies, contacts, and job titles
        • Also has a job board
      • O*Net Online (onetonline.org)
        • A repository of information for over 900 jobs
        • You will need to visit this site to do a portion of this project detailed below
      • Occupational Outlook Handbook (bls.gov/ooh)
        • Hundreds of occupations and descriptions of pay, job growth, responsibilities, and more
      • Vault (vault.com)
        • Find information on companies, jobs, rankings, graduate schools, and internships
      • Writing up Part 1
        • Discuss the following in your written assignment:
          • Job challenges and salary trends
          • The knowledge, skills, and abilities needed
          • Education and experience required or desired for this position
          • Typical career path and work environment
          • How this new information affects your career planning
          • Discuss how you used the above resources to gather this information

Part 2 – Networking

This portion will require you to engage in a networking activity. Specifically, you will conduct an Informational Interview with a working professional from the industry or company for which you would like to work or intern.

  • Locate the document on D2L called ‘Informational Interview’
    • Review the document and make plans according to its content
    • The main steps for this process that will be expounded on in the document are:
      1. Identify someone to interview
      2. Prepare for the interview
      3. Initiate contact
      4. Conduct the informational interview
        • Either face-to-face or via teleconferencing (e.g., Zoom)
      5. Follow-Up
    • Writing up Part 2
      • Discuss who you interviewed and how you went about contacting them
        • State their job title, their main responsibilities, their educational background and work experience, etc.
        • Discuss what it was like for you to set up this interview
          • Were you nervous? Did it go better than expected? Was the person receptive to meeting with a student?
        • Discuss the actual interview
          • What are some things you learned?
          • Did anything surprise you?
          • How did what you learned from the interview compare with what you learned from Part 1?
          • Include the list of questions you asked as Appendix A in your final draft
        • Discuss the steps you took to follow-up
          • Did you send an email or hand-written note to this contact?
          • Were you able to connect on LinkedIn?
          • Do you have any future plans to interact with this person?
          • Include your follow-up note as Appendix B in your final draft
            • Take a picture of the hand-written note you sent and include the picture in Appendix B
            • Take a screen shot of the follow-up email you sent and include it in Appendix B

Part 3 – Reflections

In this section, you will discuss the things you learned from this project.

  • Reflections on the process
    • What are the main takeaways you have from going about conducting this project?
      • What it easier or more difficult than you thought? Was it more or less rewarding than you thought it’d be?
      • What did you learn about the importance of networking?
      • What did you learn about the importance of professionalism?
      • Did anything surprise you?
    • Reflections on leadership
      • Through your research (e.g., data gathered from O*Net Online) and interview, you should have a decent understanding about what it means to be a leader in this industry, career, and/or company
        • What skills do you already possess that would make you a good leader in this industry, career, and/or company?
        • What skills do you need to improve and/or develop to become a good leader in this industry, career, and/or company?
          • What can you do to develop them?
        • What leadership concept(s) from class would be applicable to this industry, career, and/or company?

Part 4 – Preparing to Submit

This step is all about reading, rereading, and proofing your paper. I am a big stickler on grammar, spelling, etc., so you will want to ensure that you paper reads well before you submit it.

  • You MUST run your paper through Grammarly
    • JCB students have access to Grammarly Premium
      • Should have received an email at beginning of semester
    • Do this well before final draft is due
    • Submit screenshot of Grammarly confirmation as APPENDIX C

Miscellaneous Stuff

  • Please check Teams/D2L for resources (underneath the “Professional Development Project” module)
    • Steps to the informational interview
    • Potential interview questions
    • A template for how your report should be organized
  • Please cite your sources properly, which includes using quotes for verbatim phrases of 4+ words
    • Remember that quotes require a page or paragraph number in the citation
    • Include a reference page if you have paraphrased or quoted a source
      • Format the references following APA style
    • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1” margins, single spacing, and MS Word