Response to the three articles listed below, backup your responses with 2022 article sources only and provide pdf for the article sources used. Do not use any of the article used by the articles already.
1. Teamwork is a crucial part of working within an organization. Robbins et al (2021) stresses the differences between work groups and work teams. In my business I try to emphasize that each department is greater than the sum of its parts. Every employee must coordinate properly with other members of their team to maximize efficiency. Trust is a major part of working as a team. Just like a sports team, every member must play their part and trust that their teammates will do their best as well. In the same way great basketball teams perform best when players pass and trust their teammates to score, effective organizations trust each team member will do their part and enhance their coworkers. Ferrazzi (2022), advocates for greater collaboration and less competition in leadership roles. He argues that by placing more emphasis on trust and relationships, his team can better communicate and make decisions more quickly leading to better outcomes in his business. He feels that often, leaders have lost their ability to work as a team by the time they have reached their current position, which can inhibit their performance. Teamwork is essential to high production, being able to bounce ideas off one another can really help in difficult situations. Sometimes leaders feel that they should not have to listen to the advice or suggestions of their inferiors, but this may lead to missing out on great recommendations.
2. Organizational environment and leadership have a large impact on team performance. Leadership contributes to building the shared perception that differing strengths, knowledge, values, and inputs enhance the value of the team. A team with members committed to achieving goals can more easily combine their strengths to overcome weaknesses, thus working more effectively and efficiently together. Individuals feel empowered to contribute to the team’s activities when they feel valued as unique members. When a member of a team is aware of their uniqueness, they realize that they can offer others’ ideas and perspectives that others may not, thereby increasing their sense of responsibility to ensure their contribution is heard (Leroy et al, 2022). Team members may feel excluded if their leaders invite them to voice their perspectives, but the team has not shown an interest in hearing them. To increase trust and openness, Robbins & Judge (2021) suggest increasing team interaction. According to them, intergroup development aims to change attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions of groups toward one another. The most effective way to achieve that is by sharing their lists, discussing similarities and differences, and identifying factors that may lead to discrepancies (Robbins & Judge, 2021).
3. The chapter I am basing my response and article off is chapter nine: foundation of group behavior. The article referenced and attached below is looking at group behavior from the social responsibilities that companies have to make investments that are responsible and will be for the social progression of mankind. They are investments that are done for the good of the group as oppose to the individual. Group behavior can be referred as those sets of behaviors and action which an individual elicits, being in a group and the group overall. Groups cannot be eliminated from our lives. Even if being a member of a group sometimes involves negative aspects we seek to understand both the costs and benefits of belonging to a group. Groups often function in a collective state by contributing time, energy, thoughts decisions and other resources equally by every member of the group. Group membership often restricts personal freedom. Members of groups are expected to behave in certain ways. The fact that our behavior is strongly affected by the groups to which we belong is far from surprising; after all, in these groups there are usually well-established norms that tell us how we are expected to behave. Often, we are strongly affected by the mere presence of others even if they are not part of the group. Social behavior is an individual’s conduct that recognizes, revises, or otherwise affects another person’s actions. The society activates a social behavior that reinforces other members of the community or society to repeat the activity once again. A social act is one that is not only influenced by the society but also influences the society in return. The behavior of an individual that has not been affected or changed by society, and which does not alter or encourage the members of society is not social behavior. A song by a popular composer, for instance, that affects or influences the actions of certain social members is a social act. However, a composer’s song that is not released, heard, or analyzed anywhere will not alter or influence the actions of other people in society. It is a case of social behavior or social act only when people respond to a specific act of an individual. How well people work together is a crucial factor in the success of any organization or group. Employers have traditionally seen employees as collections of individuals held together through self-interest, rules, exercise of authority. When there ARE groups within an organization, they are often seen as barriers rather than vehicles for achieving organization’s goals. Nowadays, there are many firms that support the formation of quality circles, self-managing teams and liaisons. When observing any group of people who work together, one can notice many social processes going on (communicating, influencing each other, cooperating with one another and competing).