
Part 1: Individual Reflection Post
Prompts and Provocations
Module 7 ’s provocations include videos portraying visual, gestural/movement, verbal and non-vernal
communications among infants, toddlers, preschool, school children and their adult parents, other
caregivers and/or educators.
As you did in past modules, you will choose one of the clips to engage in conversation for the reflective
post. These will also serve as springboards for the later responses/comments in Part 3 of the
Video Clips:
Reflection Questions
The following questions or prompts should guide your reflection post:
* Select a few video clips to observe. Make sure that you identify each clip when going over your
conversations and in the text of the reflective post.
* Provide a brief narrative of the clip(s) selected where you describe what you see in the clip
* Select a traditional recording form as per Martin’s readings in Modules 3 and 4: You may choose an
anecdotal or running record form for an open form, or you may select a time sample, a frequency
count, an event or duration sample
* With the vision of competent and capable children in mind, decide what would you like to focus on
when observing communications/interactions for these clips, for example, would you like a full
narrative with side by side interpretation, entering the time range (running records) and interpretation
(anecdotal records)? Or, if you’d rather focus on how often the child/children communicate, or for how
long they stay engaged, or what is the event that catches your attention (one of these closed forms?)
* If using one of the closed forms, remember to always add side comments highlighting examples of
what the count, time range or event /durations are.
* For any interpretations added, remember to connect with the relevant course reading references.