Macroeconomics/ How Economies Work/ Power point Presentation/ 14 Hours/ 25$

How Economies Work

Final project

Students are expected to be able to analyze how economies work. The final project will not only apply what they have learned in the real-world issues but also motivate them to learn continuously by solving hands-on problems.

The project will be based on a presentation that needs to have a thorough background research and investigation, and needs to showcase that students have understood all previous classes and materials studied in class, prove the analytical skills of the student and the ability to back up with arguments and logic all business related aspects and assumptions. The teams are encouraged to think creatively about how economies work.


Many of the fundamental theories studied should provide a guide for informed citizens and public policy makers. Unfortunately, public policy often rests on normative beliefs and “common sense” judgements, which turn out to be incorrect.


Each presentation should be an extremely clear and well organized mini-lecture of maximum 20 SlidesThe more economic intuition you can present in a given time, the better. The highest marks will go to the groups that find ways of “conveying understanding”


Use mathematics, graphs, charts, analogies, allegories, and artwork, whatever helps you explain and defend your analysis. Everything in the report should have a purpose. Graphs should be clear and devoid of “decoration.”

The presentation should be around 20 slides.

Additional supporting documents done with the presentations should be also submitted if needed.