Marketing Plan

[Country] Marketing Plan
Table of Contents
1.Executive Summary 3
2.Marketing Situation 4
2.1 PESTLE Analysis 4
2.2 Porter Five Forces Analysis 5
2.3 Competitive Overview 6
3. Opportunities and Issues Analysis 7
3.1 TOWS Analysis 7
4. Objectives 8
4.1 Financial Objectives 8
4.2 Market Share Objectives 8
4.3 Marketing Objectives 8
5. Marketing Strategy 9
5.1 Targeting and Positioning 9
5.2 B2C Target audience 9
5.3 B2B Target audience 9
5.4  Buyer Personas 10
5.5 Brand positioning statement: 10
6. Marketing Program 11
6.1 Value Proposition 11
6.2 Pricing 13
6.3 Distribution 15
6.4 Promotions 17
6.5 Services Plan 19
7. Ethics and Social Responsibility 20
7.1 Key Activities and Communications 20
7.2 Marketing Mix Ethics and Social Responsibility Recommendations 20
8. KPIs for Budget and Control 22
8.1 Marketing KPIs 22
8.2 Financial KPIs: proforma P&L 23
9. Budget Overview 24
1.Executive Summary
[Add executive summary, only after having finished your full Marketing Plan. Maximum 1 page. This section of the plan highlights the key and pertinent points that management needs to know to help them in their decision-making process.  It should be a highlight of the key learnings from your plan. Afterwards delete this text]
2.Marketing Situation
2.1 PESTLE Analysis
[Complete the table below. PESTLE analysis should include the top three factors for each section which would impact your business. Afterwards delete this text]
Political factors
Economic factors
Sociocultural factors
Technological factors
Legal factors
Environment factors
2.2 Porter Five Forces Analysis
[Complete the table below. Porter Five Forces analysis should be maximum 1 page. You rationale should include points that impact your B2B and B2C business. Afterwards delete this text]
Related industry being analysed<Indicate related industry>
Indicate High/ Medium/Low ForceRationale for your ranking (Include atleast 1 specific B2B and 1 specific B2B point)
Market competitors intensity rivalry
Risk of entry by potential competitors
Threat of substitutes
Bargain power of buyers
Bargain power of suppliers
2.3 Competitive Overview
Volume / Units sold (current year)Revenue (prior year, indicate in euros)Market Share % growth vs 2 years prior
Volume % growth vs 2 years prior
[My company]
[Competitor 1]
[Competitor 2]
<Indicate Sources of data>
Industry key success factors
Name the top three success factors for your industry for your company.
Key ProductsTop 2 Company StrengthsTop 2 Company WeaknessesBrand position (leader, follower, niche, challenger)
[My company]
[Competitor 1]
[Competitor 2]
B2B industry overview
Indicate the top three industries served in the B2B business for your company.  These industries should help to shape your target audience for B2B.
• List industry #1
• List industry #2
• List industry #3
<Indicate any key assumptions you made to complete the overview>
Key findings from competitive overview
<Write 3-5 sentences on what were your key findings from the competitive overview, how are you positioned against your competition in terms of the key success factors of your industry, what do you need to focus on, etc.? Consider B2B and B2C industries in your answer>
3. Opportunities and Issues Analysis
3.1 TOWS Analysis
[Using any relevant input from your Week 1 Pestle, Porters Five Forces, Competitive Overview – and, complete the below TOWS analysis.  The top three factors from your SWOT should be included along with three strategies for each section (excluding strategies defensive to reduce T) Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
TOWS Analysis
Date: External Opportunities (O)
• Opportunity 1
• Opportunity 2
• Opportunity 3
External Threats (T)
• Threat 1
• Threat 2
• Threat 3
Internal Strengths (S)
• Strength 1
• Strength 2
• Strength 3
Strategies using (S) to exploit (O)
Enter top 2 strategies Strategies using (S) to mitigate (T)
Enter top 2strategies
Internal Weaknesses (W)
• Weakness 1
• Weakness 2
• Weakness 3
Strategies using (O) to reduce (W)
Enter top 2 strategies Strategies Defensive to reduce (T)
4. Objectives
4.1 Financial Objectives
Net SalesIncrease vs LY
Net sales next year B2C
Net sales next year  B2B
Assume B2B sales is 40% of your overall sales.
4.2 Market Share Objectives
% of market share increase
4.3 Marketing Objectives
<Out of the five steps in the marketing funnel, identify your top two most relevant stages to focus your marketing efforts.  Set one SMART objective for each of those two most relevant stages for both B2C and B2B pillars.>
B2C SMART objectiveB2B SMART objective
Retention and Loyalty
5. Marketing Strategy
5.1 Targeting and Positioning
[Please come prepared to class with the below sections completed.  During the session you will have the opportunity to review with your classmates and receive peer feedback.  Following class, the sections should be refined to be added into your final graded marketing plan. Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
5.2 B2C Target audience
[Please identify two target audiences (groups)  for your company within your assigned country. Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
In [current year], we’re targeting the following B2C audience:
Behavioral and attitudinal:
5.3 B2B Target audience
In [current year], we’re targeting the following B2B audience:
Company size:
Behavioral and attitudinal:
Key players in the decision making unit:
5.4  Buyer Personas
[Within your target market(s), identify the following buyer personas to represent your ideal customers by completing the persona statements by completing the buyer persona templates.  For the B2B buyer persona, chose one person from the decision making unit to develop your persona. Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
B2C Buyer Persona
<Copy and paste final buyer persona for B2C client after completing template at>
B2B Buyer Persona
<Copy and paste final buyer persona for B2C client after completing template at>
Note:  This template is also used for your digital marketing class.
5.5 Brand positioning statement:
[Complete a positioning statement for both your B2B and B2C pillar using the positioning statement template below. Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
B2C pillar:
To [target segment and need] our [brand] is [category] that [point of difference].
B2B pillar:
To [target segment and need] our [brand] is [category] that [point of difference].
6. Marketing Program
6.1 Value Proposition
Value Proposition Canvas
[For B2B and B2C business, provide separate Value Proposition Canvas including both Customer Profiles (Jobs, Pain & Gain) and Value Proposition Map (Products & Services, Pain Relievers & Gain Creators). Use the format for week 3’s pre-class assignment as the guide. Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
Customer Profiles B2C:
• Customer Job(s):
• Pains:
• Gains:
Proposition Map B2C:
• Products & Services:
• Pain Relievers:
• Gain Creators:
Customer Profiles B2B:
• Customer Job(s):
• Pains:
• Gains:
Proposition Map B2B:
• Products & Services:
• Pain Relievers:
• Gain Creators:
Key findings from value proposition
<Write 3-5 sentences on what were your key findings from the value proposition>
6.2 Pricing
Write a paragraph for both B2B and B2C pillar outlining and sharing the pricing strategy for your company in your assigned country.  In your answer, address the questions which are discussed below. Delete this text before submitting final marketing plan.
For the B2B pillar:
• Competitive Pricing: Provide an overview in the below table, on the key Product/ Service, pricing and the brand positioning of the top 3 B2B competitors and your own company.
B2B Players Key Product/ Service Pricing Brand Positioning*
[Competitor 1]
[Competitor 2]
[Competitor 3]
[Your own company]
*Choose from the “green options” from Brand Positioning Pricing-Value Matrix: More for More / More for the same/ More for Less / The Same for Less / Less for Much Less
• Value-based pricing: Focus on the ONE key Product/ Service for the B2B customer persona, using above current competitive pricing overview above: Provide your best estimation in answering the Van Westendorp questions:
[B2B customer Persona] [The Specific Key B2B Product/ Service]
At what price would it be too expensive to be worth it, so you would not consider buying?
At what price it is expensivebut you would still consider buying?
At what price would you consider cheap and is a good bargain?
At what price would you think it istoocheap to be trustworthy, and you would doubt the quality?
For the B2C pillar:
• Competitive Pricing: Provide an overview in the below table, on the key Product/ Service, pricing and the brand positioning of the top 3 B2C competitors and your own company.
B2C Players Key Product/ Service Pricing Brand Positioning*
[Competitor 1]
[Competitor 2]
[Competitor 3]
[Your own company]
*Choose from the “green options” from Brand Positioning Pricing-Value Matrix: More for More / More for the same/ More for Less / The Same for Less / Less for Much Less
• Value-based pricing: Focus on the ONE key Product/ Service for the B2C customer persona, using above current competitive pricing overview above: Provide your best estimation in answering the Van Westendorp questions:
[B2C customer Persona] [The Specific Key B2C Product/ Service]
At what price would it be too expensive to be worth it, so you would not consider buying?
At what price it is expensivebut you would still consider buying?
At what price would you consider cheap and is a good bargain?
At what price would you think it istoocheap to be trustworthy, and you would doubt the quality?
6.3 Distribution
For both B2B and B2C pillar outlining and explaining the distribution strategy for your company in your assigned country and how the primary concerns of buyers are addressed.  In your answer, address the questions which are discussed below.  Delete this text before submitting final marketing plan.
B2C pillar:
Graph the consumer marketing channels for your company in your assigned country and place within the plan.
B2C Marketing Channel Partners
Identify key partners in the marketing channel. Delete this instruction before handing in the final plan.
Distribution System
Address what type of distribution system does your company use in your country and provide rationale in paragraph below. Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.
Channel Member Value
Referencing the marketing channel above, indicate each member of the marketing channel and top two “value” each performs.  Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.
B2B pillar:
Graph the B2B  marketing channels for your company in your assigned country and place within the plan.
B2BMarketing Channel Partners
Identify key partners in the marketing channel for the B2B pillar. Delete this instruction before handing in the final plan.
Distribution System
Address what type of distribution system does your company use in your country for B2B and provide rationale in paragraph below. Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.
Channel Member Value
Referencing the marketing channel above, indicate each member of the B2b marketing channel and top two “value” each performs.  Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.
6.4 Promotions
Your promotional budget should be 5% of your budgeted sales for 2022.   Complete for the same top two stages you developed your objectives for in part 4. Please complete the B2C and B2B framework and promotions
B2C Communications Framework
WHO – Target AudienceKey message
Retention and Loyalty
B2C Promotions
B2C SMART ObjectivesMarketing Plan Actions (What and Where)Timing
(When) Budget Priority
Retention and Loyalty
B2B Communications Framework
WHO – Target AudienceKey message
Retention and Loyalty
B2B SMART ObjectivesMarketing Plan Actions (What and Where)Timing
(When) Budget Priority
Retention and Loyalty
6.5 Services Plan
Outline your customer journey for B2B and B2C customers and thenidentify one thing that the company does do and one thing the company can do to improve on the 3P’s of service marketing using the templates below.   Delete this text before submitting final marketing plan.
B2C pillar:  Customer journey
Awareness Consideration Purchase Retention Advocacy
[Add customer journey for awareness stage] [Add customer journey for consideration stage] [Add customer journey for purchase stage] [Add customer journey for retention stage] [Add customer journey for advocacy stage]
B2C pillar:  3P assessment
People Process Physical evidence
[Add what company does] [Add what company does] [Add what company does]
[Add an idea of what company can do to improve] [Add an idea of what company can do to improve] [Add an idea of what company can do to improve]
B2B pillar:  Customer journey
Awareness Consideration Purchase Retention Advocacy
[Add customer journey for awareness stage] [Add customer journey for consideration stage] [Add customer journey for purchase stage] [Add customer journey for retention stage] [Add customer journey for advocacy stage]
B2B pillar:  3P assessment
People Process Physical evidence
[Add what company does] [Add what company does] [Add what company does]
[Add an idea of what company can do to improve] [Add an idea of what company can do to improve] [Add an idea of what company can do to improve]
7. Ethics and Social Responsibility
7.1 Key Activities and Communications
Identify two key current activities and communications your assigned company is doing related to ethics and social responsibility.  You do not need to address all 7P’s in your answer but use them to guide your thinking of the current activities and communications. These should be ACTUAL activities and communications currently being utilized by your company.  Delete this text for your final graded assignment.
Key Activities:
[Insert #1 with 3-5 sentences explanation]
[Insert #2 with 3-5 sentences explanation]
[Insert 3-5 sentences explanation of how company is communicating their ethics and social responsibility activities to their stakeholders]
7.2 Marketing Mix Ethics and Social Responsibility Recommendations
Provide recommendations and rationale in 3-5 sentences for all 7 of the marketing mix elements on how the company could impact ethics and social responsibility. These should be YOUR recommendations/ideas, therefore be creative in consideration ways in which your company in your country could impact the marketing mix. Delete text for final marketing plan.
[Add recommendation and rationale]
[Add recommendation and rationale]
[Add recommendation and rationale]
[Add recommendation and rationale]
[Add recommendation and rationale]
[Add recommendation and rationale]
Physical Evidence
[Add recommendation and rationale]
8. KPIs for Budget and Control
8.1 Marketing KPIs
Build on your chart from marketing objectives and promotional section and add in your KPIs for each objective.
B2C Objectives and KPIs
B2C SMART ObjectivesMarketing Plan ActionsKPIs
Awareness<Objectives to align with section 4><Actions to align with section 6>
Retention and Loyalty
B2B Objectives and KPIs
B2B SMART ObjectivesMarketing Plan ActionsKPIs
Awareness<Objectives to align with section 4><Actions to align with section 6>
Retention and Loyalty
8.2 Financial KPIs: proforma P&L
Million euros 2022% of sales
Net sales [your 2022 Financial Objective stated in Section 4] 100%
Cost of sales [Assumption: 40%]
Gross Margin
Marketing costs
Cost of sales force[Assumption: same as your Mktg costs]
Marketing costs[MKT costs should be 6% of total sales, 5% for your promotional budget and 1% for additional marketing costs]
Contribution Margin /
Net Marketing Contribution
9. Budget Overview
Marketing Activity Allocated budget Your rationale
IMC budget (use figure budgeted in IMC section)
Add other marketing expenses
Add other marketing expenses
Add other marketing expenses
Total:Total figure should match what you have included in your P&L
[Country] Marketing Plan
Table of Contents
1.Executive Summary 3
2.Marketing Situation 4
2.1 PESTLE Analysis 4
2.2 Porter Five Forces Analysis 5
2.3 Competitive Overview 6
3. Opportunities and Issues Analysis 7
3.1 TOWS Analysis 7
4. Objectives 8
4.1 Financial Objectives 8
4.2 Market Share Objectives 8
4.3 Marketing Objectives 8
5. Marketing Strategy 9
5.1 Targeting and Positioning 9
5.2 B2C Target audience 9
5.3 B2B Target audience 9
5.4  Buyer Personas 10
5.5 Brand positioning statement: 10
6. Marketing Program 11
6.1 Value Proposition 11
6.2 Pricing 13
6.3 Distribution 15
6.4 Promotions 17
6.5 Services Plan 19
7. Ethics and Social Responsibility 20
7.1 Key Activities and Communications 20
7.2 Marketing Mix Ethics and Social Responsibility Recommendations 20
8. KPIs for Budget and Control 22
8.1 Marketing KPIs 22
8.2 Financial KPIs: proforma P&L 23
9. Budget Overview 24
1.Executive Summary
[Add executive summary, only after having finished your full Marketing Plan. Maximum 1 page. This section of the plan highlights the key and pertinent points that management needs to know to help them in their decision-making process.  It should be a highlight of the key learnings from your plan. Afterwards delete this text]
2.Marketing Situation
2.1 PESTLE Analysis
[Complete the table below. PESTLE analysis should include the top three factors for each section which would impact your business. Afterwards delete this text]
Political factors
Economic factors
Sociocultural factors
Technological factors
Legal factors
Environment factors
2.2 Porter Five Forces Analysis
[Complete the table below. Porter Five Forces analysis should be maximum 1 page. You rationale should include points that impact your B2B and B2C business. Afterwards delete this text]
Related industry being analysed<Indicate related industry>
Indicate High/ Medium/Low ForceRationale for your ranking (Include atleast 1 specific B2B and 1 specific B2B point)
Market competitors intensity rivalry
Risk of entry by potential competitors
Threat of substitutes
Bargain power of buyers
Bargain power of suppliers
2.3 Competitive Overview
Volume / Units sold (current year)Revenue (prior year, indicate in euros)Market Share % growth vs 2 years prior
Volume % growth vs 2 years prior
[My company]
[Competitor 1]
[Competitor 2]
<Indicate Sources of data>
Industry key success factors
Name the top three success factors for your industry for your company.
Key ProductsTop 2 Company StrengthsTop 2 Company WeaknessesBrand position (leader, follower, niche, challenger)
[My company]
[Competitor 1]
[Competitor 2]
B2B industry overview
Indicate the top three industries served in the B2B business for your company.  These industries should help to shape your target audience for B2B.
• List industry #1
• List industry #2
• List industry #3
<Indicate any key assumptions you made to complete the overview>
Key findings from competitive overview
<Write 3-5 sentences on what were your key findings from the competitive overview, how are you positioned against your competition in terms of the key success factors of your industry, what do you need to focus on, etc.? Consider B2B and B2C industries in your answer>
3. Opportunities and Issues Analysis
3.1 TOWS Analysis
[Using any relevant input from your Week 1 Pestle, Porters Five Forces, Competitive Overview – and, complete the below TOWS analysis.  The top three factors from your SWOT should be included along with three strategies for each section (excluding strategies defensive to reduce T) Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
TOWS Analysis
Date: External Opportunities (O)
• Opportunity 1
• Opportunity 2
• Opportunity 3
External Threats (T)
• Threat 1
• Threat 2
• Threat 3
Internal Strengths (S)
• Strength 1
• Strength 2
• Strength 3
Strategies using (S) to exploit (O)
Enter top 2 strategies Strategies using (S) to mitigate (T)
Enter top 2strategies
Internal Weaknesses (W)
• Weakness 1
• Weakness 2
• Weakness 3
Strategies using (O) to reduce (W)
Enter top 2 strategies Strategies Defensive to reduce (T)
4. Objectives
4.1 Financial Objectives
Net SalesIncrease vs LY
Net sales next year B2C
Net sales next year  B2B
Assume B2B sales is 40% of your overall sales.
4.2 Market Share Objectives
% of market share increase
4.3 Marketing Objectives
<Out of the five steps in the marketing funnel, identify your top two most relevant stages to focus your marketing efforts.  Set one SMART objective for each of those two most relevant stages for both B2C and B2B pillars.>
B2C SMART objectiveB2B SMART objective
Retention and Loyalty
5. Marketing Strategy
5.1 Targeting and Positioning
[Please come prepared to class with the below sections completed.  During the session you will have the opportunity to review with your classmates and receive peer feedback.  Following class, the sections should be refined to be added into your final graded marketing plan. Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
5.2 B2C Target audience
[Please identify two target audiences (groups)  for your company within your assigned country. Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
In [current year], we’re targeting the following B2C audience:
Behavioral and attitudinal:
5.3 B2B Target audience
In [current year], we’re targeting the following B2B audience:
Company size:
Behavioral and attitudinal:
Key players in the decision making unit:
5.4  Buyer Personas
[Within your target market(s), identify the following buyer personas to represent your ideal customers by completing the persona statements by completing the buyer persona templates.  For the B2B buyer persona, chose one person from the decision making unit to develop your persona. Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
B2C Buyer Persona
<Copy and paste final buyer persona for B2C client after completing template at>
B2B Buyer Persona
<Copy and paste final buyer persona for B2C client after completing template at>
Note:  This template is also used for your digital marketing class.
5.5 Brand positioning statement:
[Complete a positioning statement for both your B2B and B2C pillar using the positioning statement template below. Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
B2C pillar:
To [target segment and need] our [brand] is [category] that [point of difference].
B2B pillar:
To [target segment and need] our [brand] is [category] that [point of difference].
6. Marketing Program
6.1 Value Proposition
Value Proposition Canvas
[For B2B and B2C business, provide separate Value Proposition Canvas including both Customer Profiles (Jobs, Pain & Gain) and Value Proposition Map (Products & Services, Pain Relievers & Gain Creators). Use the format for week 3’s pre-class assignment as the guide. Afterwards delete this text for your final marketing plan.]
Customer Profiles B2C:
• Customer Job(s):
• Pains:
• Gains:
Proposition Map B2C:
• Products & Services:
• Pain Relievers:
• Gain Creators:
Customer Profiles B2B:
• Customer Job(s):
• Pains:
• Gains:
Proposition Map B2B:
• Products & Services:
• Pain Relievers:
• Gain Creators:
Key findings from value proposition
<Write 3-5 sentences on what were your key findings from the value proposition>
6.2 Pricing
Write a paragraph for both B2B and B2C pillar outlining and sharing the pricing strategy for your company in your assigned country.  In your answer, address the questions which are discussed below. Delete this text before submitting final marketing plan.
For the B2B pillar:
• Competitive Pricing: Provide an overview in the below table, on the key Product/ Service, pricing and the brand positioning of the top 3 B2B competitors and your own company.
B2B Players Key Product/ Service Pricing Brand Positioning*
[Competitor 1]
[Competitor 2]
[Competitor 3]
[Your own company]
*Choose from the “green options” from Brand Positioning Pricing-Value Matrix: More for More / More for the same/ More for Less / The Same for Less / Less for Much Less
• Value-based pricing: Focus on the ONE key Product/ Service for the B2B customer persona, using above current competitive pricing overview above: Provide your best estimation in answering the Van Westendorp questions:
[B2B customer Persona] [The Specific Key B2B Product/ Service]
At what price would it be too expensive to be worth it, so you would not consider buying?
At what price it is expensivebut you would still consider buying?
At what price would you consider cheap and is a good bargain?
At what price would you think it istoocheap to be trustworthy, and you would doubt the quality?
For the B2C pillar:
• Competitive Pricing: Provide an overview in the below table, on the key Product/ Service, pricing and the brand positioning of the top 3 B2C competitors and your own company.
B2C Players Key Product/ Service Pricing Brand Positioning*
[Competitor 1]
[Competitor 2]
[Competitor 3]
[Your own company]
*Choose from the “green options” from Brand Positioning Pricing-Value Matrix: More for More / More for the same/ More for Less / The Same for Less / Less for Much Less
• Value-based pricing: Focus on the ONE key Product/ Service for the B2C customer persona, using above current competitive pricing overview above: Provide your best estimation in answering the Van Westendorp questions:
[B2C customer Persona] [The Specific Key B2C Product/ Service]
At what price would it be too expensive to be worth it, so you would not consider buying?
At what price it is expensivebut you would still consider buying?
At what price would you consider cheap and is a good bargain?
At what price would you think it istoocheap to be trustworthy, and you would doubt the quality?
6.3 Distribution
For both B2B and B2C pillar outlining and explaining the distribution strategy for your company in your assigned country and how the primary concerns of buyers are addressed.  In your answer, address the questions which are discussed below.  Delete this text before submitting final marketing plan.
B2C pillar:
Graph the consumer marketing channels for your company in your assigned country and place within the plan.
B2C Marketing Channel Partners
Identify key partners in the marketing channel. Delete this instruction before handing in the final plan.
Distribution System
Address what type of distribution system does your company use in your country and provide rationale in paragraph below. Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.
Channel Member Value
Referencing the marketing channel above, indicate each member of the marketing channel and top two “value” each performs.  Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.
B2B pillar:
Graph the B2B  marketing channels for your company in your assigned country and place within the plan.
B2BMarketing Channel Partners
Identify key partners in the marketing channel for the B2B pillar. Delete this instruction before handing in the final plan.
Distribution System
Address what type of distribution system does your company use in your country for B2B and provide rationale in paragraph below. Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.
Channel Member Value
Referencing the marketing channel above, indicate each member of the B2b marketing channel and top two “value” each performs.  Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.
6.4 Promotions
Your promotional budget should be 5% of your budgeted sales for 2022.   Complete for the same top two stages you developed your objectives for in part 4. Please complete the B2C and B2B framework and promotions
B2C Communications Framework
WHO – Target AudienceKey message
Retention and Loyalty
B2C Promotions
B2C SMART ObjectivesMarketing Plan Actions (What and Where)Timing
(When) Budget Priority
Retention and Loyalty
B2B Communications Framework
WHO – Target AudienceKey message
Retention and Loyalty
B2B SMART ObjectivesMarketing Plan Actions (What and Where)Timing
(When) Budget Priority
Retention and Loyalty
6.5 Services Plan
Outline your customer journey for B2B and B2C customers and thenidentify one thing that the company does do and one thing the company can do to improve on the 3P’s of service marketing using the templates below.   Delete this text before submitting final marketing plan.
B2C pillar:  Customer journey
Awareness Consideration Purchase Retention Advocacy
[Add customer journey for awareness stage] [Add customer journey for consideration stage] [Add customer journey for purchase stage] [Add customer journey for retention stage] [Add customer journey for advocacy stage]
B2C pillar:  3P assessment
People Process Physical evidence
[Add what company does] [Add what company does] [Add what company does]
[Add an idea of what company can do to improve] [Add an idea of what company can do to improve] [Add an idea of what company can do to improve]
B2B pillar:  Customer journey
Awareness Consideration Purchase Retention Advocacy
[Add customer journey for awareness stage] [Add customer journey for consideration stage] [Add customer journey for purchase stage] [Add customer journey for retention stage] [Add customer journey for advocacy stage]
B2B pillar:  3P assessment
People Process Physical evidence
[Add what company does] [Add what company does] [Add what company does]
[Add an idea of what company can do to improve] [Add an idea of what company can do to improve] [Add an idea of what company can do to improve]
7. Ethics and Social Responsibility
7.1 Key Activities and Communications
Identify two key current activities and communications your assigned company is doing related to ethics and social responsibility.  You do not need to address all 7P’s in your answer but use them to guide your thinking of the current activities and communications. These should be ACTUAL activities and communications currently being utilized by your company.  Delete this text for your final graded assignment.
Key Activities:
[Insert #1 with 3-5 sentences explanation]
[Insert #2 with 3-5 sentences explanation]
[Insert 3-5 sentences explanation of how company is communicating their ethics and social responsibility activities to their stakeholders]
7.2 Marketing Mix Ethics and Social Responsibility Recommendations
Provide recommendations and rationale in 3-5 sentences for all 7 of the marketing mix elements on how the company could impact ethics and social responsibility. These should be YOUR recommendations/ideas, therefore be creative in consideration ways in which your company in your country could impact the marketing mix. Delete text for final marketing plan.
[Add recommendation and rationale]
[Add recommendation and rationale]
[Add recommendation and rationale]
[Add recommendation and rationale]
[Add recommendation and rationale]
[Add recommendation and rationale]
Physical Evidence
[Add recommendation and rationale]
8. KPIs for Budget and Control
8.1 Marketing KPIs
Build on your chart from marketing objectives and promotional section and add in your KPIs for each objective.
B2C Objectives and KPIs
B2C SMART ObjectivesMarketing Plan ActionsKPIs
Awareness<Objectives to align with section 4><Actions to align with section 6>
Retention and Loyalty
B2B Objectives and KPIs
B2B SMART ObjectivesMarketing Plan ActionsKPIs
Awareness<Objectives to align with section 4><Actions to align with section 6>
Retention and Loyalty
8.2 Financial KPIs: proforma P&L
Million euros 2022% of sales
Net sales [your 2022 Financial Objective stated in Section 4] 100%
Cost of sales [Assumption: 40%]
Gross Margin
Marketing costs
Cost of sales force[Assumption: same as your Mktg costs]
Marketing costs[MKT costs should be 6% of total sales, 5% for your promotional budget and 1% for additional marketing costs]
Contribution Margin /
Net Marketing Contribution
9. Budget Overview
Marketing Activity Allocated budget Your rationale
IMC budget (use figure budgeted in IMC section)
Add other marketing expenses
Add other marketing expenses
Add other marketing expenses
Total:Total figure should match what you have included in your P&L