ELSE 6043 ~ Strategies for Teaching Exceptional Learners in the Content Areas


Module 3: Mathematics Concept Guide Assignment


Students, especially those with exceptionalities, need extra support to help them to understand lesson content and processes.  For this assignment, you will create a Mathematics Concept Guide that you would give to your students with exceptionalities to help them to follow along and master the Math content of your lesson.  This guide can be formatted as a PowerPoint presentation, Prezi, etc.  This guide will include the steps for teaching and learning the Math concept, illustrations for how to process those steps, and at least five questions that the students may have about the concept with the answers provided.


  • Choose a Math concept.
  • Using PowerPoint, Prezi, Word, etc., create a step-by-step guide to help students with exceptionalities learn the Math concept.
  • Include illustrations for each step.
  • Include at least five (5) frequently asked questions (FAQs) with the answers.
  • Your guide should look professional and it should be easy to follow and understand.























  Exemplary Acceptable Unacceptable
Math Concept/Content 9-10 points

Included a specific Math concept.

7-8 points

Included a general Math concept.

0-6 points

Concept was not specific to Math.

Step-by-Step Guide 21-25 points

Created a detailed step-by-step guide to help students learn the Math concept using PowerPoint, Prezi, Word, etc..

16-20 points

Created an adequate step-by-step guide to help students learn the Math concept using PowerPoint, Prezi, Word, etc..

0-15 points

Created a vague/limited step-by-step guide to help students learn the Math concept using PowerPoint, Prezi, Word, etc..

Illustrations 21-25 points

Provided clear illustrations for each step that were aligned to the Math content.

16-20 points

Provided somewhat clear illustrations for each step that were somewhat aligned to the Math content.

0-15 points

Provided illustrations that were not clearly aligned to the content; and/or did not include an illustration for each step.

FAQs 21-25 points

Included five frequently asked questions with answers.

16-20 points

Included four frequently asked questions with answers.

0-15 points

Included three or fewer frequently asked questions with answers.

Etiquette/ Professionalism 9-10 points

The concept guide looks professional and it is easy to follow.

7-8 points

The concept guide was somewhat professional and easy to follow.

0-6 points

The concept guide was either professional or easy to follow – and not both.


(Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, Spelling)

4-5 points

Work contained minimal (zero to two) errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, and/or spelling.

2-3 points

Work contained few (three to five) errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, and/or spelling.

0-1 point

Work contained many (six or more) errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, and/or spelling.