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Over the last several years Louisville has made several significant investments into updating transportation routes.  The first investment was into bridges over the Ohio River.  As described by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Ohio River Bridges Project, which was completed in 2016, was a $2.8 billion construction effort that included building two new bridges and renovating a third for vehicle traffic over the Ohio River (n.d.).  The Abraham Lincoln Bridge and John F. Kennedy Bridges are both connect Downtown Louisville with southern Indiana.  The Abraham Lincoln Bridge is six lanes and travels northbound towards Indiana.  The John F. Kennedy Memorial Bridge is also six lanes for southbound traffic.  The Lewis and Clark Toll Bridge is four lanes and is located a few miles east of Louisville. The completing of this project significantly decreased traffic congestion and made is easier to cross the Ohio River.  The second investment is currently underway.  “I-Move Kentucky is a $180 million investment that will widen and improve interstates and revamp congested interchanges to improve safety along Interstate 265, Interstate 71, and Interstate 64” (Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, n.d.).  Each of these interstates are main thoroughfares both into and out of Louisville.  The only mass transit in Louisville is the bus system, which is only used by 2.7 percent of residents (Ryan, 2015).  Louisville residents do not heavily rely on the bus system. Therefore, if the bus facilities were disrupted it would not cause significant problems.  However, from an emergency preparedness perspective having only one mass transit system could be an issue.  

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