Micro Teach #2 Lesson Plan PowerPoint

EDG 3321 – Lesson Plan Template

Do not make changes to the format of this document. Use this template to submit your final lesson plans.


I. General Information:

Name _______Lazaro Cepero              Subject Area _________ Writing ___________________

Micro Teach #____1__             Grade Level of lesson __1____

Lesson Plan Title: ___All living things grow       ______________________________________________

Choose/indicate one Stimulus Variation to be observed during your lesson:

Verbal Focusing       Pausing       Non-verbal Cues       Change Speech Patterns       Gestures/Movement

YouTube MicroTeach Video Link here: https://youtu.be/MGptvmOjCkI


II. Standards: (Include a complete standard, as appropriate for the grade level, subject area, and teaching strategy; do not just provide the code, write out the standard)

  • The Florida B.E.S.T Standards:

(See https://www.cpalms.org/public/search/Standard)

ELA.1.C.1.2 Compose stories that recount two or more events that have occurred in the correct order, making sure to include all pertinent information and a satisfying conclusion.

III. Objective (use the Easy Generator to complete your ONE SENTENCE objective):

Learners will be able to recount the story’s events in chronological order, describing what happened first, next, and so on.


IV. Content Outline (In this section, you must provide the content/skill you will be TEACHING. For example, this section should include an outline of everything that is in your PPT)

1.     PPT Breakdown by slide:

o    Slide 1:Sample of the Life Cycle of a Butterfly

o    Slide 2:Sample of the Life Cycle of a Spider


o    Slide 3; How to create a graphic organizer

o    Etc.

2.     Describe in 2 sentences

o    What skill(s) should students know BEFORE they can be successful in your lesson?

o    What misconception(s) may students have going into your lesson?

3.     You must ALSO include the following,in addition:

1.     Information about the storybook/poem/text you chose for this lesson, including the author and title.

The Book “ Butterfly Life Cycle By Jeff Bauer

2.     Identify the SKILL you are teaching (this should come from your standard)

How to complete a graphic organizer

3.     What will your DOK questions be (include questions and possible student answers; be sure to label each level of questioning, ex., Level:  Recall)

Level 1: Recall- Can you recall what the story was about?

Level 2: Knowledge application –What are major events of the story?

Level 3: Strategic Thinking – Lets compare the life cycle of the butterfly and the frog. Can you tell

      me what is similar and what is different? Explain your answer

Level 4: Extended Thinking: I will the students create a graphic organizer with the animal of their

      choice and explain each step of the life cycle.

V. Differentiated Instruction Strategies/ (Content, Process, Product):

1. Describe 1 general way you can differentiate the CONTENT for a VISUAL learner.

Use visuals like graphs, charts, photos, movies, and animations to help convey your message. Exhibit ideas, procedures, or connections with images.


2. Describe 1 general way you can differentiate the PROCESS for aKINESTHETIC learner.

Use role-playing or simulations to help kinesthetic learners get a better grasp on abstract subjects through direct experience.

3. Describe 1 general way you can differentiate the PRODUCT for STRATEGIC, goal-oriented learners.

Focus on how the material can be used in the actual world.

Consider: Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences,and UDL (Universal Design for Learning)


SPECIFIC instructional STRATEGIES for Diverse Learners to learn YOUR LESSON:

Students identified as ELLs (strategies cannot be repeated):

·         ELL – List 1 strategy for a student who speaks Spanish(Your strategy should be specific to their native language)


If a Spanish edition of the book were available, I’d make that available, as well as visual aids, native-speaking peer tutors, and thorough explanations in Spanish.


·         ELL – List 1 strategy for a student who speaks Creole (Your strategy should be specific to their native language)


If necessary, I could supply pictures or examples of the process. If possible, provide the student a copy of the book in his or her original language, and put him or her in touch with a classmate who speaks the same language.


Students identified with special learning needs/ESE (strategies cannot be repeated):

·         ESE – List 1 strategy for a student who is identified as dyslexic (Your strategy should be specific to their learning disability)


I might recommend an audiobook version, give the student a copy to read along with, or match them up with a reading partner. Worksheets and/or guidelines will have extra-large text provided by me.


·         ESE – List 1 strategy for a student who is identified as ADHD (Your strategy should be specific to their learning disability)


To minimize disruption and maximize opportunity for corrective action, I plan to relocate this kid closer to my desk. In case any of my pupils needs to get up and stretch their legs during class, I will give them a few minutes of break time. I will also encourage him or her and give out written guidelines for the entire session.



Students with more than typical behavior challenges:

·         List 2 strategies for students who have behavior challenges (Your strategy should be specific to the behavior challenge you choose)

o    Behavior #1:In my ideal world, I’d split up these classes and pair them with general education students who can serve as positive role models and keep the other kids on track.


o    Behavior #2:They will also be seated nearer the front of the classroom so that the teacher may easily provide assistance if necessary.


VI. Materials:(Include all materials needed for your lesson, including a screenshot of a worksheet, titles of any texts used, supplies needed for activities, link to your PPT, etc.)

• Butterfly Life Cycle, a Book by Jeff Bauer

The following is an example of a graphic organizer depicting the life cycle of a spider.

The students will need: • A blank sheet of paper for their graphic organizer

Colored and regular pencils

• Erasers


VII.        Instructional Procedures


a.   Set?What will you do to introduce the content/SKILL of the lesson?)


To help kids get ready to fill out the graphic organizers, I’ll bring up our reading of “The Life Cycle of a Butterfly” and talk about each stage.


b.     Body: Use the Gradual Release Model to describe how you will teach your lesson. Be specific in each section below. DemonstrateSTRATEGIES. Use this section as your “script” for your lesson.



i.              Modeled Instruction / Demonstrate: “I do it – you watch”


Provide another completed graphic organizer to illustrate the process to your class. It’s called “The Life Cycle of a Spider” for a reason.


ii.             Shared Instruction / Guide: “We do it – together”


If I want my pupils to show that they understand the task on how to complete the graphic organizer using writing abilities, I’ll have them and I use the frog’s life cycle as an example.


iii.           Collaborative Learning: “You do it together – I watch/facilitate”


Students will meet in small groups to discuss what they have read and the stages of the life cycle. As I circulate the room, I’ll listen in on students discussing the plot’s development and nitty-gritty.


iv.           Independent Practice / Independent Learning: “You do it alone”


With the story “The Life Cycle of a Butterfly” as inspiration, I’ll give the kids a blank sheet of paper and a graphic to use as a graphic organizer.


c.     Closure: (How will you summarize the content of the lesson?)


Get everyone together and have them share what they’ve done. Let the class interact as I jot down their questions and suggestions. After showing off their efforts, I’ll have the class go back to their desks to get ready for the next session.


VIII.        Assessment: (How will you assess that the students met your objective? The assessment MUST connect to the objective and the standard)


They will be graded on their own original work as well as how well they comprehend the material presented in the assignment. I hope to see kids who can write in full sentences that recount the plot of a novel in chronological order.


IX.           Home Learning: (optional, would your students benefit from revisiting some element of your lesson at home?)




X.            References:(Include any links to book readings, websites, citations of storybooks/textbooks, etc.,you used to complete this lesson plan here)



XI.           Reflection: See directions for specific written reflection questions if required.