Also, your introduction should give a clear short summary of the five sources
that you’re using for this assignment. Do not use references from outside. All
citations should be from the five sources.
• themes: 1) Religion and empire
• societies: Roman empire; Han China; Christian Europe
For this assignment, The five sources from the assigned texts, however, should be
the focus of your essay. You must cite all sources used.
The final draft of the essay will need to include the following elements:
• An introduction that introduces the theme, societies, and texts, provides
necessary context, and states a thesis that makes an argument about how
the theme manifested in those societies, as shown in your chosen texts.
• Several body paragraphs that support your thesis. You can organize your
body paragraphs by sub-themes, society, or text, using your chosen texts as
evidence in support of your thesis and reasons. Include topic sentences that
state your reason and tie each paragraph to your thesis.
• A conclusion that non-repetitively and briefly restates your thesis and what is
significant about your analysis and argument.

• 900-950 words + Works Cited + Dear Reader Letter
• Dear Reader Letter due with your Final draft (in same file, placed after
Works Cited page): What worked and didn’t work for you with this
assignment? What help did you seek out? What would you do differently if
you had the opportunity? What do you understand better or differently after
writing this essay and taking this course?