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This is for your research outline, which should show your individual research on your dance form, and include a thesis, 1.5-2 pg single spaced research outline, conclusion paragraph, and bibliography (including any videos used).

Due end of day, day of presentation.

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Rubric Name: Chapter Research Written Project: Research outline with thesis, conclusion and bibliography

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Criteria Excellent Good Needs Work Major issues / Does not complete assignment Criterion Score
Assignment is timely and complete, including a Thesis, 2-page single-spaced full-sentence research outline with in-text citations, a critical concluding paragraph and a complete bibliography including sample video, using MLA format. 1 point 0.75 points 0.5 points 0 points Score of Assignment is timely and complete, including a Thesis, 2-page single-spaced full-sentence research outline with in-text citations, a critical concluding paragraph and a complete bibliography including sample video, using MLA format.,

/ 1

Organization and content are logical and academic. Includes required areas of research. Research is clearly labeled and attributed to each source with in-text citations. 4.5 points 3.75 points 2 points 0 points Score of Organization and content are logical and academic. Includes required areas of research. Research is clearly labeled and attributed to each source with in-text citations.,

/ 4.5

Thesis is clear and strong with obvious indication of the content of the outline and a critical approach. 1 point 0.75 points 0.5 points 0 points Score of Thesis is clear and strong with obvious indication of the content of the outline and a critical approach.,

/ 1

Critical Conclusion paragraph is well-written and critical (not summary). 1 point 0.75 points 0.5 points 0 points Score of Critical Conclusion paragraph is well-written and critical (not summary).,

/ 1

In-Text citations are properly used, not just for direct quotations, but for all information from other sources. 1 point 0.75 points 0.5 points 0 points Score of In-Text citations are properly used, not just for direct quotations, but for all information from other sources.,

/ 1

Bibliography includes minimum number of academic sources; all sources are hyperlinked; all sources included (videos, etc); academic sources are highlighted; bibliography is formatted in MLA8 style. 1.5 points 1 point 0.75 points 0 points Score of Bibliography includes minimum number of academic sources; all sources are hyperlinked; all sources included (videos, etc); academic sources are highlighted; bibliography is formatted in MLA8 style.,

/ 1.5


Score of Chapter Research Written Project: Research outline with thesis, conclusion and bibliography,

/ 10

Overall Score


8.5 points minimum


7 points minimum

Minimal/Needs work

6 points minimum

Does not meet required standards

5 points minimum