Mobile, Computing

UU-COM-4023 Mobile Computing

UU-COM-4023 Mobile Computing Page 1
UU-COM-4023 Mobile Computing
Assignment 1
 Due at the end of Week 2 – 30% of the Total Course Grade
 You have to answer all the following questions. Please give clear answers.
 All questions are worth equal marks. Total 100 marks/ maximum total 1200 words.
 Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and the APA Referencing standard. Be sure to
adhere to Academic Integrity Policy by avoiding plagiarism through text citing and
acknowledging other authors’ work.
 Upload your assignment using the submission link by Sunday 11:59 pm (23:59 hours) VLE
(UTC) time on the due date at the latest.
Marking Criteria:
Criterion A – Knowledge and Understanding [30 marks] Weight
A. Demonstrate a basic understanding of relevant theory 5 marks
B. Apply understanding of theoretical knowledge 8 marks
C. Demonstrate depth of knowledge and critical analytic ability 8 marks
D. Quality and structure of answers 5 marks
E. Correct use of referencing standard 4 marks
Total = 30 marks
Criterion B – Questions [70 marks] Weight
 Question 1 6 marks
 Question 2 10 marks
 Question 3 4 marks
 Question 4 10 marks
 Question 5 6 marks
 Question 6 10 marks
 Question 7 4 marks
 Question 8 4 marks
 Question 9 12 marks
 Question 10 4 marks
Total = 70 marks
UU-COM-4023 Mobile Computing

UU-COM-4023 Mobile Computing Page 2
1. List the items that make up mobile hardware. [6 marks ]
2. What concepts are involved in mobile computing? [10 marks]
3. What is mobile software? [4 marks]
4. Mention three layers found in a Simplified Reference Model. [10 marks]
5. Briefly explain what an omnidirectional antenna is. [6 marks]
6. What is modulation? [10 marks]
7. Mention any one type of modulation. [4 marks]
8. What do you understand by attenuation? [4 marks]
9. Give two advantages of Frequency Modulation. [12 marks]
10. Give one advantage of Phase Modulation. [4 marks]